People in Need - Člověk v tísni

Help for Ukraine Development Aid

SOS Ukraine

Make a Difference in Ukraine Today! Your donation will directly aid those affected by the war. Since 2014, we've helped over 5 million people in Ukraine. Generosity of our donors allows us to provide financial support so families can buy food and essentials. We can also repair damaged homes and restore drinking water sources, create safe environments for children and bridge gaps in their education. We renovate school shelters, enabling students to attend school full-time. And we also support mental health with a 24-hour helpline run by our psychologists.

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Being in the country since 2014 allowed us to start helping immediately after the 2022 Russian invasion. We have built a network of more than 200 partners. We work with local organisations, civil society initiatives, government bodies, and academia to strengthen people's self-reliance and resilience while helping to provide for basic needs. We protect the rights of people affected by war and advocate for long-term solutions. 
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Myslíme na vás!

Michaela Š.
CZK 500


CZK 1,000

Snad to někomu pomůže.

Jiří Kozlovský
CZK 1,000

Hodně sil!

Martina Bártová
CZK 1,000


Lucie Mazurkova



Slava Ukraini!

Lukas Pecena
CZK 5,000

Ať jde Putin s celou svou armádou do prdele. A s ním všichni, kdo schvalují jeho kroky. Mír pro Ukrajinu.

Martin Fojtík
CZK 1,000

Stojím proti válce, proti totalitě, proti manipulaci! Stojím za Ukrajinou.

Jolanta Trojakova
CZK 5,000

Ukrajino, modlim se za tebe. 🙏🏼

Dominika Kučinská