Nadační fond KMS Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support for the poor and orphans in Kenya Donate Start fundraising
Šatník - nadační fond Help for Ukraine Socially Disadvantaged Groups Buying food for Czech single mothers and Ukrainian refugees Donate Start fundraising
WOMEN FOR WOMEN, o. p. s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups W4W: SOS TO KINDERGARTEN Donate Start fundraising
Iniciativa Hlavák, z.s. Philanthropy and Volunteering Socially Disadvantaged Groups Help refugees in need. Every Czech crown is multiplied! Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond MELODIO People with disabilities Socially Disadvantaged Groups Do not let disabilitybe a barrier to a full life Donate Start fundraising
BÉTEL CZ z.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Refurbishment of our men's house Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond Czechitas Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups Join us in supporting IT training for economically disadvantaged women Donate Start fundraising
Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, z.s. Elderly Socially Disadvantaged Groups HELP OPEN THE DOORS OF CHAMOMILE HOUSE IN GEORGIA Donate Start fundraising
ROMEA, o.p.s. Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups I want to succeed, that's why I'm studying! Donate Start fundraising