Divadlo Aldente, z. s. Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups Theatre Aldente, be my second family! Donate Start fundraising
Česká ženská lobby Human Rights Socially Disadvantaged Groups Let's improve the gender equality Donate Start fundraising
Sociální družstvo Střecha Socially Disadvantaged Groups Prepay a pending lunch for someone in need Donate Start fundraising
Místní místním, z.ú. Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Vouchers not only for coffee & food for people without homes and in need Donate Start fundraising
České centrum fundraisingu, z.s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups Inspire Dreaming of Kids Who Do Not Dare to Dream! Donate Start fundraising
Charita Prachatice-Vimperk Elderly Socially Disadvantaged Groups Please support our seniors during COVID-19 pandemic Donate Start fundraising
MigAct z.s. Regional and Community Development Socially Disadvantaged Groups Bridge Cultures! Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond KMS Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support for the orphans in Kenya (Radka Rusinova) Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond KMS Regional and Community Development Socially Disadvantaged Groups Christian Center Baba Dogo - Kenya Donate Start fundraising