Chance 4 Children z.s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE Donate Start fundraising
České galerie, z.s. Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups Group F Donate Start fundraising
České centrum fundraisingu, z.s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups Inspire Dreaming of Kids Who Do Not Dare to Dream! Donate Start fundraising
Šatník - nadační fond Help for Ukraine Socially Disadvantaged Groups Buying food for Czech single mothers and Ukrainian refugees Donate Start fundraising
Zachraň jídlo, z.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Environment Save the Lunch Donate Start fundraising
Chance 4 Children z.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Health Will you help us to help? Donate Start fundraising
Divadlo Aldente, z. s. Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups Theatre Aldente, be my second family! Donate Start fundraising
Christian Refugee Service, z.s. Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Project Hope for Nations - help for people on the route Donate Start fundraising
Farní sbor Českobratrské církve evangelické v Praze 5 - Smíchov Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups Community Space Smíchov Donate Start fundraising