Lesní školku ve formě lesního klubu provozuje Spolek Hvozdík od roku 2011. Spolek je tvořen komunitou rodičů a průvodců a poskytuje plnohodnotné předškolní vzdělávání dětí - je členem Asociace lesních MŠ, držitelem Certifikátu kvality Asociace lesních MŠ i titulu Školka blízká přírodě. Organizuje také akce pro veřejnost a v létě příměstské tábory.
Váš dar je pro Hvozdík velkou pomocí – DĚKUJEME!
English version
Forest club Hvozdik has been a companion of little kids in discovering nature for thirteen years. We spend most of the time outside, but an important facility is the heated yurt in Stechovice. Now, thanks to a committed state subsidy, we have clothed the yurt into a new coat with insulation and reconstructed a part of the wooden frame. The subsidy will cover the major part of the costs, however, the remainder of the costs (75000 CZK) has to be found elsewhere. Thus, we ask you, please help us finance the reconstruction of the yurt.
The forest kindergarten is run as a forest club by the Hvozdik Fellowship since 2011. The fellowship consists of a community of parents and guides and delivers full-fledged pre-school educational framework – it is a member of the Association of Forest Kindergartens (link in Czech only), the holder of Quality Certificate of the Association of Forest Kindergartens and the honors Kindergarten Close to Nature. It also organizes activities for the broader public and summer camps. The facility is located in Stechovice – Masecin, where it moved in 2021 from Serpiny outside of Davle.
The yurt with the stove is the heart of the kindergarten and a safe haven for kids and their guides, especially in the chilly months of the year; it serves as the place of afternoon rest, warming up, drying up and changing clothes. When the weather gets very bad, the children also eat, play and create inside. Part of the activities for public also happens there.
The yurt has served us since 2012, and even then we bought it second-hand. Despite regular maintenance, the dent of time has now made broader renovation necessary. This autumn we have literally clothed the yurt into a new coat with warm felt and replaced a part of the wooden frame thanks to a subsidy committed by the State Agricultural Intervention Fund. The subsidy will cover most of the costs, but the remainder (75000 CZK) has to be found elsewhere. We are unfortunately unable to cover such a big expense from member contributions; these hardly suffice to support the operation of the kindergarten, which we try to keep financially accessible to a broad range of families.
If your support exceeds 75000 CZK it will help build new ecological toilets for the kindergarten.
Ať i další děti mají na Hvozdík stejně krásné vzpomínky jako ty naše!