Prague Pride z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Human Rights

Donate and keep the doors of the LGBT+ Community Centre open

The running of the LGBT+ Community Centre is under threat. Without your immediate help, the doors of the center will close, and many queer people will lose the space they consider their second home. Imagine what it would be like if a place important to you suddenly disappeared. This is the reality we face. Donate and keep the community center's doors open so that it remains a place of acceptance and support for all who need it.

PHASE 6 – 600 000 CZK

raised 110 % out of  €23,715

supported by

587 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Sometimes, life is pretty tough. And for queer people especially. You may also be familiar with feeling lost in a world that doesn't understand you. When you wonder where you belong and if there is a place where you will be accepted no matter who you are.

That place is the LGBT+ Community Centre, but it desperately needs your help now. Donate and keep the doors open. Save a space where you can take off the mask you may wear in your everyday life.

After all, we all long for a place to be ourselves without fear or prejudice. The LGBT+ Community Centre is just such a place. It provides a space to come together, but most importantly, a safe space where not only young queer people can grow, learn and support each other.

Safety. Equality. Acceptance. Joy. These are not just words but actual values fulfilled here daily. These principles are the foundation upon which the LGBT+ Community Center is built, and your donations help sustain and grow these values. The running of the LGBT+ Community Centre is now in your hands. We will not make it without you.

Every donation you make now, no matter how big or small, is vital to maintaining a space for acceptance and understanding of LGBT+ people. Your generosity can transform lives. Come and bring hope and essential support to those who need it most.

Your donation will help:

  • Create a safe space where queer people can feel free to express their identities without fear of judgment or discrimination.

  • Enable gatherings and support events where LGBT+ people can connect and build relationships in an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

  • Provide services and activities accessible to all, regardless of financial circumstances.

  • To offer help and support in difficult situations to people facing emotional or social difficulties. 
It costs 2,000,000 CZK a year to run the LGBT+ Community Centre. Unfortunately, we have reached a situation where a key funding source essential to its operation has fallen through.

Your support is therefore vital at this time. Donate and keep the doors open for everyone.

Milestones of your help:

PHASE 1 - 200 000 CZK  ✅
Keep the doors of the community center open for cooperation  
Paying rent and running costs will ensure that the community center remains open but without its own program. It will continue to be a safe place where people can meet, share, and support each other at events organized by allied groups and organizations.

PHASE 2 – 50 000 CZK ✅
Support self-help groups
Group meetings help queer people find support, understanding, and the opportunity to share their experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Groups will still be available for free in both Czech and English to support as wide a range of people as possible.

PHASE 3 – 100,000 CZK ✅
Enable Open Thursdays to operate
Open Thursdays are full of diverse activities, meetings, and sharing. Most importantly, they create a space where everyone can be themselves without fear and with acceptance.

PHASE 4 – 70 000 CZK ✅
Ensure the operation of a queer library
The library serves as an essential source of education and inspiration. Investing in new books will expand our collections that reflect the diversity of LGBT+ history and culture.

PHASE 5 – 100,000 CZK ✅
Provide professional guidance
Professional help is available for anyone seeking support and solutions to their problems. The funding will ensure that these services are accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances.

PHASE 6 – 80,000 CZK
Delivers a cultural and educational program
A wide range of cultural and educational activities. From art exhibitions and openings to lectures on various topics to evening educational classes. 

Today, you hold the power to change lives. Donate and keep the doors of the LGBT+ Community Center open to all.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


CZK 200



Děkuji a držím palce 😌

Josef Keprta
CZK 1,000

Přeji mnoho štěstí! Doufám, že se podaří potřebnou částku vybrat a že centrum zůstane i nadále otevřené. Je potřeba taková místa zachovat. Díky za tuhle iniciativu. ♥️

Anna Kobrlová

Pět stupňů masochismu:
1. nechat se svázat
2. nechat se zbičovat
3. nechat se ukřižovat
4. koupit si lístek na koncert Ortelu
5. na ten koncert doopravdy jít
Kam patří přispění na KC, které funguje v době, kdy nemám čas tam jít, nevím. :-)

starý sukničkář Miloš Hlávka


Baris Kulakovský
CZK 5,000

Potřebujeme místo, kde můžou být mladí lidé sami sebou. Kde se budou cítit v bezpečí a zároveň se můžou podporovat i mezi sebou. Pokud taková místa mít nebudeme, přibude počet sebevražd mladých lidí.

CZK 2,000

Díky za vaši službu ❤️

Lucie Procházková
CZK 1,000

Děkuji za Vaši důležitou práci. Jsem moc rád, že mohu podpořit Vaši činnost.

Jan Kotík
CZK 5,000