Together we inspire movement to prevent cancer.
The sixth Violet Ride through Prague draws attention to the importance of preventing gynaecological tumors. Movement and sport are part of prevention!
You can ride a bike, run or just take a walk. Please dress in purple, this is the traditional color of our bike ride.
The sixth Violet Ride through Prague draws attention to the importance of preventing gynaecological tumors. Movement and sport are part of prevention!
You can ride a bike, run or just take a walk. Please dress in purple, this is the traditional color of our bike ride.
Do you like to move? Do you want to support patients who have a gynaecological tumour? Join the Purple Ride 2024!
GO (gyne-onco day) day is associated with an awareness campaign for the general public, where oncogynecologists explain the benefits of HPV vaccination or appeal to women not to give up gynaecological examinations even at a later age.
This year, our purple bike ride in Prague will be joined by famous faces. If you can't ride and run with us in Prague, go out in your city, buy our purple functional t-shirt or headband, pin our cancer ribbon and let us know. Send us a photo on instagram with the hashtag GOday.
The event is part of the global World GO Day activity.
This year, our purple bike ride in Prague will be joined by famous faces. If you can't ride and run with us in Prague, go out in your city, buy our purple functional t-shirt or headband, pin our cancer ribbon and let us know. Send us a photo on instagram with the hashtag GOday.
The event is part of the global World GO Day activity.
Veľmi si vážim Vašu prácu, lásku podporu ktorú dávate Vašim pacientom.
Držím Vám palce a přeji hodně sil v boji s rakovinou!
Díky za vše!
Je skvělé, co pro jiné děláte !
Big THANK YOU and love to all who help and support Onco patients on their journey to recovery!
Jsme v tom všechny spolu 💪🏻
Pro všechny statečné ženy (a že jich v okolí několik mám), které bojují, bojovaly a budou bojovat. Přeji všem sílu.
Děkuji moc za vše co děláte a všem pacientkám držím palce. ✊ Taky jsem k nim donedávna patřila a teď věřím, že je vše v pořádku.
Protože nikdo by na těžké chvíle neměl být sám <3