Adventor o. s.

Children, Youth and Family Humanitarian Aid

Home for Maksym

Help provide a safe environment for 10-year-old Maksym and his mother Lana. They live in Ukraine under desperate conditions. The boy is autistic and has an eating disorder. Chaos and loss of stability are extremely difficult for him. Your contribution will help cover accommodation, food, and essentials for Maksym during the initial period after their arrival. Together, we can support this young genius in math and languages, and his mother, a psychologist who has already helped many children.

we started on 2024-09-13

Home for Maksym

Your financial support will provide Maksym with a peaceful environment and the help he needs for his disability. You will help this small family, both the child and the mother, to start anew with a positive outlook for the days, months, and years ahead.
raised 3 % out of  €1,991

expires in

30 days

supported by

3 people
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 A ten-year-old autistic boy Maksym and his mother live alone in Ukraine under desperate conditions, seeking a safe environment that can also accommodate a boy with an eating disorder. The family has already tried to leave the country, but Maksym was unable to receive the necessary support. In mass accommodation, Maksym couldn't cope with the changes and stopped eating altogether. The family had to return. The worsening situation is highly stressful, especially for the child.

Our organization supports autistic individuals, and others are ready to help as well. We have found suitable accommodation and contacted organizations that assist refugees. However, the family lacks the funds needed to bridge the initial period after their arrival. They also face complex administrative procedures since they have already attempted to leave once.

The funds will be used solely for essential expenses—accommodation, insurance, food, transportation, supplies, and services for Maksym. The mother is ready to do whatever it takes and is looking for any job where she can be helpful, not "a burden."  After the fundraising is completed and the family arrives, we will gradually reimburse the necessary expenses to ensure that Maksym and his mother have everything they need at any given time.

 Help give Maksym, a handicapped yet extremely gifted boy, a new opportunity to live in an environment free from constant stress.

At the same time, you will also be helping the mother, for whom it would be a dream come true if Maksym could go to school while she works—even if it's at a checkout counter, in a warehouse, or in a kitchen—because it would mean they are both safe. 

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