Šatník - nadační fond

Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Buying food for a single parent family

Buying food for single-parent families. So their children can regularly eat meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables. We buy food for those single-parent families who help us at our Šatník and thus keep it running. And thanks to them, the Šatník exists, where all single-parent families in need come to get dressed. And they leave wearing clothes donated by donors, who have given their unwanted items a chance to bring joy elsewhere. A wardrobe makes a person!

we started on 2024-10-16

Buying food for a single parent family

Buying food for single-parent families. So their children can regularly eat meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables. We buy food for those single-parent families who help us at our Šatník and thus keep it running. And thanks to them, the Šatník exists, where all single-parent families in need come to get dressed. And they leave wearing clothes donated by donors, who have given their unwanted items a chance to bring joy elsewhere. A wardrobe makes a person!
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