MalýVelký strom, z.ú.

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

First Aid for Malý velký strom

We are club with Waldorf pedagogy for preschool children in Prague 7. We run the club since 2015 and we've sent dozens of children into the world. After nine years, we now need help to bridge a challenging period in the life of our club. We are parents, teachers and friends of the club who care about its future, so that it thrives and can continue to be here for the next children who come along. Join us and help us keep the club going!

raised 63 % out of  €12,170

supported by

69 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Dear supporters of Malý velký strom!

Our "1st Aid for Malý velký strom" fundraising is officially over and we now want to raise funds to buy out our facilities. The 10th year of Malý velký strom has begun and your support will be the most wonderful gift for its 10th birthday! 

New fundraising:

Thank you for staying with us!

Parents and friends of Malý velký strom on Letná
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Vážení a milí podporovatelé Malého velkého stromu!

Přichází naše poslední aktualita a velké poděkování - děkujeme za veškerou vyjádřenou podporu, materiální i duchovní, které se nám od vás dostalo! Díky vám se nám, věříme, podařilo překlenout krizové období v životě Malého velkého stromu. Náš Strom díky vám žije dál a pod jeho korunou mohou i nadále děti nalézt bezpečné, hřejivé hnízdo. 
Děkujeme, že nám pomáháte udržet prostor pro svobodný a zdravý vývoj dětí. My pro zachování a rozvoj tohoto prostoru děláme vše, co je v našich silách a vy nám svojí podporou tyto síly dodáváte. 

Naše sbírka "1. pomoc pro Malý velký strom" oficiálně skončila a v nové sbírce nyní chceme shromáždit prostředky pro vykoupení vybavení našich prostor. Začal 10. rok fungování Malého velkého stromu a vaše podpora bude nejkrásnějším darem k jeho 10. narozeninám!

Děkujeme, že zůstáváte s námi!

Rodiče a přátelé Malého velkého stromu na Letné

Dear friends of our Malý velký strom,

we fought to preserve the Waldorf Club for the youngest children in the centre of Prague. We are still fighting and we still need every bit of help.

Why don't we just give up? Because we are convinced that Waldorf pedagogy (the pedagogy of Rudolf Steiner) is the real answer to the pressing questions of our time and the time to come. A pedagogy that strives for the balanced development of the whole person, that recognizes the tendency towards one-sidedness and balances it as much as possible in time, so that the child's being develops healthily both in the vertical (from earth to heaven, in coexistence with the cosmos) and in the horizontal (from person to person, in social coexistence, but also in coexistence with nature and all earthly creation).
A pedagogy that leads to inner freedom and, at the same time, responsibility towards others and the world.
A pedagogy based not on the heads and arbitrariness of state officials, not on the subjective opinions of various experts on what a child should and should not know and do, but a Pedagogy of the Heart that perceives the very essence of the being of each and every child and through living thinking is able to find for this being, again and again, just what this being needs for its development and the fulfillment of his life's purpose. A pedagogy that also requires enormous courage to enter the unknown and enormous trust that the right answer will always come to an honest question.
Rudolf Steiner's pedagogical challenge is clear: a Waldorf teacher is not about being the best teacher (of first grade, second grade, mathematics, biology, history or anything else...), but about being the best human being. And as such, he must never be done with his personal development. Only such a teacher is a true teacher. Some of us have been lucky enough to meet one or more of those "real" teachers during our school journey... But many were not so lucky. Rudolf Steiner's pedagogical approach and true Waldorf pedagogy obliges the teacher to strive within himself towards the ideal of Humanity. This is what makes Waldorf pedagogy so unique among other approaches, and perhaps everyone longs for such a pedagogy in their hearts. We wish it for all children and want to give it to at least those who come to Malý velký strom.
In short, we are convinced that the world needs Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf pedagogy to make it a better place to live in.

A big thank you to our teachers who went with us to this difficult task. Many thanks to the parents whose trust in the meaningfulness and legitimacy of Malý velký strom is enormous, touching and binding.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Parents and friends of Malý velký strom

Vážení a milí příznivci!

Máme nyní za sebou první týden 10. školního roku Malého velkého stromu. Třetí nov od chvíle, kdy jsme začali bojovat o záchranu Malého vekého stromu, již přešel a síly růstu jsou na vzestupu, směřující již ke třetímu úplňku. Začínáme pozvolna, polehounku, jemně a v malém, ale s velkým odhodláním a velkými plány. Zda se nám je podaří naplnit, záleží velmi také na vás. Naše sbírka se blíží do svého finále a zbývá posledních 24 dní k tomu, abychom se dokázali vypořádat s minulými dluhy. Stále velmi potřebujeme pomoc - proto prosíme, sdílejte naši sbírku a pomozte nám v novém začátku - pro všechny děti, které do Malého velkého stromu přicházejí a pro které to vše děláme.

Z hloubi srdce děkujeme za podporu a těšíme se na všechny další týdny v Malém velkém stromu!

Rodiče a přátelé Malého velkého stromu - a skřítek Stromový domácí

Dear friends of our club,

today's main announcement is that we are finalizing our preparations for the opening of the new school year. We enter it with great hope, uncertainty at the same time, with daily prayer and continuous small work.
We founded new organisation to take over the management of the club. We have begun the process of registering a children's group for 12 children, which should be completed during September 2024. Based on the accurate data, we have concretised the budget deficit from 2023/2024 and reflected this amount in our fundraising to support the club. We have begun to implement more effective promotion of our club, so, that parents of children will know about us. We have put together a year-long calendar of festivals and events and would be delighted to have children who have attended the club in the past, as well as children who are yet to join us, attend the festivals.
We want to strengthen our community and carry our club together, communicate openly and get involved in the community life of our Prague 7 community. We want to improve the facilities of our club so that children have enough space for activities inside and outside in the yard.

We thank you sincerely for your support and please continue to share our fundraising - we have already exceeded the 50% threshold of the amount needed and we hope that with your help we will be able to raise the full amount by St. Michael's Day, on September 29th.

With gratitude

parents and friends of Malý velký strom 

Dear friends of Malý velký strom,

we are pleased to share with you our latest news:

On Monday, September 2, 2024, Malý velký strom will launch its 10th season!

Two months ago we had no idea if our Strom would be able to go on. Thanks to the tremendous help and support of friends, parents, teachers, donors and our families - all of whom believe that Malý velký strom can successfully start again - we have been able to forge a new hope for Malý velký strom.

We continue to ask for more sharing of our fundraising call. Every additional donation is truly a great support in our efforts. We have already been able to raise more than half of the amount needed to make up the budget deficit of the last, very difficult year. This is wonderful and a feeling of endless gratitude. However, we still cannot do without your help.

However, we can already say with certainty that we will be welcoming new children under the crown of our Strom - we ask for your help in spreading this news on our FB - this help is most important to us in the coming weeks.

This week we have applied for registration of the Malý strom na Letné, z.s., which will continue to run the Malý velký strom Club. Keep your fingers crossed that the application passes without additional comments as quickly as possible! After that, we can apply for the registration of the children's group, invite the relevant inspection authorities and, after their approval, register the children's group. 

In the next week we will also be preparing for the new school year, cleaning together, talking to parents and planning the future development of our club - a lot of work and therefore a lot of joy!

Stay tuned - thank you so much for your goodwill and support!

Parents and friends of Malý velký strom na Letné

Dear friends of Malý velký strom,

we are touched by the overwhelming wave of support and encouragement we are receiving. With your help, we have already managed to reach almost a third of the amount needed to cope with the difficulties of the last year and to step boldly into the new tenth year.
We have taken important steps towards changing the legal form of our club, which we will be implementing in the coming weeks.
We are working on a clear budget, promotion and preparing the premises for a re-start.
With great joy and hope in our hearts, we are already planning our calendar and looking forward to all the festivities, neighborhood gatherings, and other wonderful events that await us during the next school year.
We are looking forward to the children who will be joining us. They are wonderful beings and worth persevering for and not giving up on!

Today, we want to especially thank all those who have supported us, whether with a financial or material donation or with their time and expertise, but also with prayers and good thoughts for the future. We really appreciate this support and believe that together we can achieve even the seemingly impossible.

Please continue to share our collection thank you for being with us!

Parents and friends of Malý velký strom on Letná

Dear friends, all the kind words of support we receive warm our hearts. We are very grateful to all our kind donors and supporters who have given us a real "first aid" since June, before the fundraising campaign was launched. Thanks to all the donations so far, we have already managed to approach the amazing 25% of the amount needed. Please help us reach the next quarter by the end of August! Every donation is a great inner strength and realistically helps us get closer to the "light at the end of the tunnel" - thank you!

The big summer break has swung into its second half and we are still steadfast in our preparations for our 10th season. Every day we undergo a series of meetings and our path becomes clearer and clearer. We see and believe that by working together, we, the parents, teachers and friends of Malý velký strom, will be able to preserve and secure this oasis of childhood for the future and for the children that come from it. 

In one week we have made significant progress in all the tasks we have been working on, and in the week ahead we await the first fruits of our efforts. The most important thing for us is still promotion, so that those who seek us in their hearts will find their way to us. 

Keep your fingers crossed and stay tuned! Thank you and have a wonderful summer! 

Dear friends of our Malý velký strom, after one week of our donation call we have reached almost 10 percent of the amount needed - so thank you very much for your support, which gives us great hope for a new beginning! Thank you for sharing, sending us encouraging messages and being with us. 
And what are we working hard on right now? Because our founder and current director, who has tirelessly and lovingly cared for Malý velký strom since the beginning, needs a medical leave, we are preparing not only for staff changes, but also for a change of our legal form. We are also preparing for the formation of a children's group. We still have place for new children, so we are also working on publicity to let parents in Prague (Prague 7) know about us. We have also decided to rent out the upper room for the next 2-3 years, as we can get by with just a classroom for now and we will be very happy to use the room for meaningful purposes (therapy, massage, courses or activities with children).
Please stay with us and help us spread our donation call as much as possible - thank you from all of our hearts!

Create project

Ať Strom roste a vzkvétá.

Daniela Petrová
CZK 2,500

Ať se Malému velkému stromu daří stále chránit jemné dětství malých dětí. Vzpomínáme s vnučkou Míšou na krásné slavnosti roku u vás, na krásné dny radosti. ---Oslovím ještě své přátele.

Jitka Stehlíková
CZK 1,500

Drzim palce,ar se vybere cela castka!

CZK 1,000

Snad malá kapka pomůže k vytvoření moře. Ať se vše podaří


Moc držím palce a přeji Vám, ať se podaří tento malý velký zázrak zachránit!

Radka Jiroušková
CZK 500

Nechť vás síly ve vás i nad vámi neopouštějí!
Srdečně Veronika (WZŠ Jasan Zlín)

Veronika Paličková


CZK 200


Věra Tolarová
CZK 500

Držte se.

Kamila Kutálková
CZK 500

Když nemůžeš, tak přidej!

Kateřina Palasová