HOST Home-Start Česká republika, z.ú. Phone: +420 272 656 031 Email:

Help families keep their CHILDREN HOME 🧡 Imagine a world full of children's laughter where parents have the strength, courage and support to handle even the most difficult situations. Our mission is to help families who are on the edge - where children are already at risk of not being able to stay at home. Every child should grow up surrounded by the love, stability and security of their family. However, most of our HOST clients do not have this experience. Many of the parents we work with did not grow up in a harmonious environment themselves - they experienced loss, violence, neglect or grew up in institutional care. What we take for granted, they are only just discovering. What we do: ◯ Support directly in families: our volunteers and outreach workers go to families and show them step by step how to manage everyday concerns - from planning a family budget to simply playing with their children. ◯ Building parenting competencies: We help parents discover the joy of parenting and find the path to better relationships with their children. ◯ Child removal prevention: we work with families to ensure that children can stay at home, even though the situation may seem hopeless. ◯ We help approximately 220 families and 350 children each year. In the Czech Republic, nearly 7,000 children are still growing up in institutional care. Often because parents..: ◯ they have no idea how to take care of their children, ◯ don't have stable housing, or are struggling financially. Yet most of these families could be supported so that children do not have to lose their families. Early help is the key to change - our goal is to break the vicious cycle of "unhappy parent - unhappy child". Not to pass on trauma from one generation to the next. HOST for 19 years: We bring hope and stability to families. We work professionally, respectfully and lovingly. We guide parents and children on the path to joy, love and happiness. Be with us! 🧡

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