JNS Cheerleaders z.s.

http://www.jns-cheerleaders.cz Phone: 605 113 311 Email: nikol@jns-cheerleaders.cz , info@jns-cheerleaders.cz

Join New Spirit AllStars, non-profit organization, sports club with a long tradition that provides second home for children and young people. Our sports family consists of hundreds of active athletes and ex-members who maintain with our community aiming to pass on the love of exercise to children, teaching them to include exercise in their daily routine and to play sports with joy. So that children and youth are healthy, full of optimism, have a good life and are able to succeed in their future adult life. Our strong weapon is sports called cheerleading. Olympic collective coordination aesthetic sport open to all generations, who like to work together and establish lifelong friendships. We are very successful, we have dozens of titles of National Champions, European titles and also many of our members were included in the national team that became World Champions. The secret to our success is cooperation, trust and hard work together in and out of our gym and love. Love for people, sport and life.

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