Socially Disadvantaged Groups

NADĚJE (The HOPE) for people without home

Last year we provided 133 425 overnight stays to people who had nowhere to go.

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In our facilities we accept anyone who has no home and comes to us to ask for help. We also look for homeless people directly in the places where they survive. We offer them immediate help and follow-up care. We enable homeless people to regain their strength and, with the help of professionals, to start to resolve their life situation so that they can return to normal life.

We provide food, hygiene, GP care. We provide laundry, social wardrobe, accommodation, social counselling and debt counselling. We create short-term jobs as part of occupational therapy. Our work also includes crisis assistance, winter shelters and food assistance.

We operate the only dentist and gynaecologist offices for homeless people in the Czech Republic.
We are part of a project to help homeless people Roof First.

Our assistance is multi-stage, with services building on each other to help a person in a difficult situation progress to their return to normal life.

  • Field services, streetwork 
We provide assistance directly in the localities where homeless people survive. We also find clients in places where people do not normally go, because people in this situation often shy away from the public. We provide food, clothing, medical treatment. We offer other follow-up assistance.

  • Day Centres 
They are a place where anyone who needs our help can come. We offer food, hygiene and social counselling.

  • Dormitories 
They provide accommodation, hygiene and laundry services.

  • Crisis Assistance Centres 
They offer full-day accommodation, meals, laundry and social counselling for up to one week.

  • Asylum houses 
They offer full-time accommodation, food preparation, laundry and social counselling.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Bydlení je lidské právo.

Boris Sokol
CZK 1,000

Dar od účastníků 1. Pražského zápolení. Ať se daří! <3

Dominik Kafka
CZK 10,000

Děkuji za vaši práci a přeju všechno dobré.

Markéta Štěpánková
CZK 500

Mnoho štěstí v Novém roce a veliké díky za to, že tu jste a pomáháte lidem, kteří Vás potřebují.

Michaela Duchková
CZK 1,000

Pohodové a hezké vánoční a novoroční svátky!

Luiza Sazdova
CZK 1,000

Dekuji za vasi praci

Soňa Ivanovičová
CZK 10,000

Pro ty kteří mají méně štěstí než já.


Dobrý den, je to pro terenní službu. Pošlete mi pak prosím potvrzení o daru. Děkuji Mž

Markéta Žídková
CZK 3,000

Každý se může v této situaci ocitnout..

David Sikora
CZK 50

měl jsem osobní zkušenost s pomocí bezdomovci, máte můj velký obdiv v tom co děláte, ale já bych na to asi neměl, byť mám moc rád lidi, hluboce smekám před vaší prací a službou

Vašek Vondrášek
CZK 500