Nadační fond CCBC

Giving Information Environment

Thank you for donating/fundraising for our cause! At Yayasan Green Books Indonesia (, we inspire Indonesian kids to live sustainably and in harmony with nature through eco-education. Since 2014, we have reached 13,278 schoolchildren with eco-education, trained 351 teachers in eco-educational programs, and provided 19,903 eco-friendly rewards (such as eco-bags, water filters, refillable bottles, zero-waste lunch sets, binoculars, and environmental books). We appreciate your help in inspiring millions of Indonesian schoolchildren to live sustainably!

we started on 2018-01-25

supported by

186 people
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Great initiative. Absolutely needed. Important to be supported. A big thank you to the volunteers!

Steffen Bielitzer

Pozdrav z Holomóca!:))

Tomas And Marketa Psutka

Hodne stesti!

Sunarsih Polesova

Modest support for very important activity. I wish you all the best. I hope that the pandemic would be over gradually and you would find larger sponsors and supporters more easily. Semoga sukses selalu & greetings from Prague!

Martin Točík
CZK 500

Ahoj Peťo a Maruti!
Na počest naší svatby bychom chtěli podpořit naši nejoblíbenější neziskovku Green-books!
Díky za to, co děláte.
Markéta a Tom

Markéta a Tomáš Psutkovi

Díky za to, co děláte!

Markéta Levá

I'm just a student, it ain't much, but I hope the contribution helps <3

Cromwell Cruz

Best Christmas gift!:)

Tomáš Psutka

Congratulations to you both!

Markus Bell

Dear Uti and Petr,
Wishing you both many many happy years together. Thanks for using your day of joy to spread more goodness around the world.

Sabrina Mustopo