The critical conditions of building, where scouts from Bystrice nad Pernstejnem manage their regular activity every week, got to the situation when was made decision to build up the new base. In cooperation with municipality has been prepared study and as follow-up to this also own project of new base, where would be space except for the scouts also for other fellowships cooperated with scouts from Bystrice as a local climbers and fellowship of handicapped kids and their parents. Architect who made the project had counted up the costs for building up to the 6.000 000 CZK. Plus there will be added costs for interior equipment up to the 300 000CZK. Thanks to your financial support we will be able to fill up the gap in investment and the strong support from the public can help us in negotiaton with municipality and government regarding their investment into this project. Thanks to your support can also the other generations of young people live their extraordinary life within the scout troop in Bystrice founded in 1929. If everything goes in accordance with the plan then in 2019 we will celebrate 90th anniversary in our new base. Thank you!
Mnoho štěstí se stavbou!
Mamut - výzva (-:
Děkujeme, Tomanovi!
I v těžkých dobách je dobře že držíme pospolu
Držím palce. vás zdraví. Ať se daří... :) dan
Věříme že se Vám Váš cíl podaří splnit.
Dobrovolné příspěvky od rodičů z tábora + Zdenda Dobeš a kolektiv prodej ručně vyráběných turbánků.
Doufáme, že se stavba nové klubovny zdaří.