The journey towards queer equality is a process that evolves over time and responds to events in our country and around the world. To reach its goal, our society needs people like you, for whom understanding, equality, love and diversity are important values.
Start contributing today and let's create a safe space for LGBT+ people in our country.
Join our regular donors and start contributing any amount each month. Regular support will allow us to continue to fight freely for equality for queer people in our country, independent of the access of insecure funders and grants. Your donations have the power to ensure long-term impact on the lives of LGBT+ people in our country.
Your regular support will help:
Start contributing today and let's create a safe space for LGBT+ people in our country.
Join our regular donors and start contributing any amount each month. Regular support will allow us to continue to fight freely for equality for queer people in our country, independent of the access of insecure funders and grants. Your donations have the power to ensure long-term impact on the lives of LGBT+ people in our country.
Your regular support will help:
- Sustain and grow the supportive work of and the LGBT+ Community Center, empowering queer people in their self-acceptance and emancipation
- Fight for justice and equal rights for LGBT+ people and their families through the We Are Fair initiative and other advocacy activities
- Educate those working in the helping professions, businesses and, as part of the project, teachers
- Support rainbow families and queer parenting
Organize the largest cultural and human rights event for queer people in our country — the Prague Pride festival, thereby strengthening the diversity and visibility of LGBT+ people in our society
Join us and watch how your support contributes to a better and more open world.
Díky za všechno, co děláte pro nás LGBTQ+ lidi! Jsem z malého města na západě Čech, kde mám kvůli možnému ponižování a napadení strach být otevřeně non-binary a bisexual. Doufám, že jednou budu mít dost odvahy zúčastnit se Pride v Praze!
Pro všechny, kteří se hledají. Držte se!
Zdravím a prajem všetko dobré. Veľká vďaka za Pride 2016 ^^
Díky za to, co děláte.
Ať má každý člověk svobodu vyjádřit sám sebe 🫶
Jsem rád že ulepsujete životní podmínky naší komunity.
Moc si přeji, aby lgbt lidé měli stejná práva jako všichni ostatní a abychom se nemuseli bát, být tím, kdo jsme.
Děkujeme <3
Diky za vasi praci :-)