Save the climate, end coal!
Climate change currently poses the biggest threat to humankind. If we don’t adopt radical measures quickly, the state of the planet and the life on it will dramatically worsen – in our lifetime. To keep the Earth’s future safe, we need to decrease CO2 emissions fast and keep coal and other fossil fuels in the ground.
Czech Republic still operates a fleet of old dirty coal-fired power stations, and still doesn't have any plane to phase the out. The state-ownded “ČEZ” company is going to sell the Počerady coal power station, one of the biggest ones in the country, to coal tycoons Tykač and Dienstl who wish to go ahead with its operation for decades. It is the very same coal tycoons who request exceptions from EU pollution limits so that they could extend the lifespan of the Chvaletice power station. However, no exceptions can be tolerated. Coal power stations need to be closed if we want to avoid disastrous impacts of the climate change.
Thats why we are building a movement with the aim to push for an immediate phase out of coal. Climate camps are helping to connect people, who want to join it: they provide a space for informal education, networking, sharing of experience and last but not leats - for organizing nonviolent actions and creative protests, that are adressing the roots of the climate crisis and demanding an end to coal. This years Climate Camp - the third - will take place as part of a campaing to shutting down one of these dirtiest power plants in Czech republic: Chvaletice in the Pardubice region.
Support it's organisation and join us between 27th of june and 9th of july at the Climate Camp. Until the last mine and the last coal power station are closed, we set the limits – we are the limits!
Climate change currently poses the biggest threat to humankind. If we don’t adopt radical measures quickly, the state of the planet and the life on it will dramatically worsen – in our lifetime. To keep the Earth’s future safe, we need to decrease CO2 emissions fast and keep coal and other fossil fuels in the ground.
Czech Republic still operates a fleet of old dirty coal-fired power stations, and still doesn't have any plane to phase the out. The state-ownded “ČEZ” company is going to sell the Počerady coal power station, one of the biggest ones in the country, to coal tycoons Tykač and Dienstl who wish to go ahead with its operation for decades. It is the very same coal tycoons who request exceptions from EU pollution limits so that they could extend the lifespan of the Chvaletice power station. However, no exceptions can be tolerated. Coal power stations need to be closed if we want to avoid disastrous impacts of the climate change.
Thats why we are building a movement with the aim to push for an immediate phase out of coal. Climate camps are helping to connect people, who want to join it: they provide a space for informal education, networking, sharing of experience and last but not leats - for organizing nonviolent actions and creative protests, that are adressing the roots of the climate crisis and demanding an end to coal. This years Climate Camp - the third - will take place as part of a campaing to shutting down one of these dirtiest power plants in Czech republic: Chvaletice in the Pardubice region.
Support it's organisation and join us between 27th of june and 9th of july at the Climate Camp. Until the last mine and the last coal power station are closed, we set the limits – we are the limits!
Uhlí patří pod zem! Nemohla jsem tam být osobně, tak aspoň pomůžu takhle vzdáleně.
Jste skvělí, díky!
Nejsem zvědavý na výpočty o stoupající spotřebě energie. Dokud nevyužije Česká republika cesty solárních panelů na střeše každého domu a zavede politiku nízkoenergetických budov a všech svých investic s využitím zelené energie, vždy půjde při obhajobě uhlí (i jádra) i mocensko-ekonomické zájmy, proti kterým je nutné se bránit!
Díky za to, co děláte.
Žiaľ, nemohol som sa zúčastniť tento krát, no myslím že ste boli fantastickí! Tak vás teda pozdravujem z XR DK a snáď sa stretneme pri iných akciách. :-)
Uhlí patří pod zem a společně ho tam přinutíme zůstat!
Děkuji za inspiraci!
na mrtvé planetě
Němcová, Destinová, Masaryk
slzy si otíráš
dá se to
srolovat, psát
v nejzazším případě
tržní hodnota
monetární politika
budou už jen v básních
Díky moc za skvělý Klimakemp 2019! Vážím si dlouhodobé aktivity hnutí Limity jsme my a celoroční práce jeho členek a členů vč. účastnic a účastníků. Ať už se věnujete fundraisingu, čištění záchodů na Klimakempu nebo organizujete přímou akci – jste skvělí.
Na snídani.
Všichni v elektrárně víme, jaké svinstvo vypouštíme a že je potřeba tuhle energetickou fosílii co nejdřív zavřít. Díky moc za všechno, co děláte, já a mnozí mí kolegové vám držíme palce!