Forests need help here and now!
It is in the interest of all of us. Contribute to the afforestation of the Czech landscape and donate trees to forests where you go for walks and mushrooms.
The public collection Give a Tree to the Forest follows on from the Christmas campaign Gift a Tree under your Xmass tree with the same intention - to help the Czech forests.
The public collection Give a Tree to the Forest follows on from the Christmas campaign Gift a Tree under your Xmass tree with the same intention - to help the Czech forests.
On average, the cost of planting one seedling through this project is 25 CZK/1 EUR. This price includes the purchase and planting of the seedling as well as the coordination of the project. You can support publicly accessible forests near Dačice, Jíloviště near Prague, Jemnice in the Vysočina region, Kunštát near Blansko, Milešov and Nový Knín in Central Bohemia and Opočno in the Hradec Králové region.
What is the goal of our project?
By the end of 2020, we want to afforest 7 hectares of our Czech landscape and it means to get 1 million CZK. Afforestation of 1 hectare of forest costs up to 150,000 CZK because it is necessary to plant about 6,000 seedlings (the exact number depends on the type of tree).
Why contribute to forests?
Due to drought and bark beetles, foresters are exhausted. Wood prices have halved and smaller owners often do not have enough money for the necessary afforestation. At the same time, their forests are open to all of us - we go there to get fresh air, mushrooms, or forest fruit. With your gift, we can return to them the most valuable thing - New trees, new life!
What do I get if I buy trees for the forest?
- we will send you a certificate of afforestation of a piece of the Czech landscape (a symbolic gift for you or your loved ones),
- gift confirmation (it is suitable for tax returns, you can subtract the amount of a gift when it is higher than 1000 CZK),
- information service: how much money was contributed, photos from afforestation, etc.
Do you want to involve your company? Contact Anna Křepelová at the e-mail She will introduce you the possibilities of planting a "corporate" forest or organizing a team collection challenge.
Which forests can I help?
With your gift, you contribute to the planting of species-diverse and resistant forests. The types of trees that foresters will plant are listed in the News and on our website.
Forests are located:
- near Dačice in southern Bohemia,
- near Jíloviště near Prague,
- near Kunštát in the South Moravian Region,
- near Milešov nad Vltavou in Central Bohemia,
- near Nový Knín in Central Bohemia,
- near Opočno in the Hradec Králové region.
You can help all the forests or choose one. We will ask for your choice in the second step of the donation form.
Foresters say: "There is no water without a forest, there is no life without a forest!" Thank you very much for your gifts and support! Read more messages from foresters in the News and on our website.
How do you distribute the money? For every CZK 25 we pay:
- 0.50 CZK for donor campaign management of
- 5 CZK for organizing and coordinating the project (communication with foresters and donors, campaign promotion, administrative support),
- 19.50 CZK for the afforestation
About us
The project is organized by the Wood for Life Foundation, a non-profit organization that was founded 15 years ago. Our mission is to increase public interest in forests, wood, and the environment.
Milá Zuzano, moc děkuji za Váš dar! :)
aby tu po naší generaci nezbyla pustina...
Malá pomoc jednotlivce, ale i ta snad k něčemu je. Děkuji
Mílý pane Hájku! Každá pomoc se počítá a k něčemu je! Moc Vám za Váš dar děkuji! :)
Hezký den
Držím palečky, aby ze všech stromečků vyrostly krásné vysoké stromy ♡
Milá paní Zavřelová, děkujeme za Váš dar a podporu! Stromečkům držíme palce společně s Vámi! :)
Hezký den
Je škoda, že se nesázejí také břízy, pamatuji si u nás v lese krásné "březí", bohužel už je to minulost, která se nevrátí.
Milý pane Černý, děkuji za Váš dar! Až bude příležitost, zeptám se na břízy pana Tobolky, který se stará o lesy u Jíloviště.
S pozdravem
Ať se všem stromečkům dobře daří a mají se k světu.❤
Milá paní Rýznarová, děkuji za Váš dar! Díky lidem jako Vy se k stromečky k světu mít budou! :)
Les je důležitou nutnosti mého života a moc si přeji aby se naše lesy uzdravily a zachovaly pro další generace.
Milá paní Nedbalová, moc děkuji za Váš dar. To stejné si přejeme i my! :)
Hezký víkend
Společně to zvládneme!
Ano zvládneme! Děkuji Vám za podporu pane Chvátale! :)
Hezký víkend!
Díky všem, komu není lhostejné, v jakém stavu nám kůrovec lesy nechává....
Milá Moniko, děkuji za Váš dar a podporu zdravého lesa! :)
Hezký den
Držím palce :)
Moc děkujeme, Petro, za Vaši podporu. :) Pěkný večer, Anna