Barvolam, z. s.

People with disabilities Giving Information

Without a Story: Remembering the First Holocaust Victims

People with disabilities or mental illness are a lesser known, in the Czech Republic almost forgotten, group of victims of the Nazi regime. The Without a Story project wants to give back these victims their story and thus contribute to a greater awareness of the dangers of contemporary right-wing populism and the far right. In the first phase of the project, we are preparing a publication with contributions by historians and other experts, while the illustrations are created by a team of artists with and without learning disabilities. We still need 4000 euro to publish the book.

we started on 2020-01-27

Your donation will help to ensure that the first victims of the Holocaust will not be forgotten.

raised 26 % out of  €3,995

supported by

36 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
In 1939 Hitler himself initiated a secret killing program for people with disabilities and psychiatric patients called "Aktion T4". Residents of institutions and hospitals were transported to several special centers, where the first gas chambers were built. The gas chamber technology that the Nazis developed for the mass murder of people with disabilities and psychiatric patients was later used in the concentration camps to kill Jews, Roma and other groups. "Aktion T4" can therefore be considered the first phase of the Holocaust.

In 2020, seventy-five years after the end of World War II and ten years after the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in both Germany and the Czech Republic, we plan to publish a bilingual publication (in Czech and German) about this part of history. Most of the texts will be in easy language, accessible to people with learning disabilities. Artists with learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder from the Jamming project of the Barvolam association are collaborating with students of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Art and Design of the University of West Bohemia to create the illustrations.

Right wing populism and the far right are on the rise, and with this we see an increasing intolerance towards otherness. In the Czech Republic we have recently experienced cases in Náměšť na Hané and not long before in Svitávka in Blanensko, where local residents petitioned against the building of sheltered housing for people with learning disabilities, saying that the clients would sexually harass women, threaten children, and even that they “just don’t want to look at people with disabilities all the time”. Just a few years ago, we have seen that some unscrupulous politicians have sought to gain more popularity by refusing to accept refugees, while also presenting the integration of children with disabilities as a danger to others. In this situation, it is useful to remember the lessons from the past and where in the end such a division of society into “us” and “them” can lead.
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succes !!

Marcel & Alida Dicke Maandag

Beautiful project. Lots of succes!

Saskia Lensink

Good luck with the book!

Rom Langerak

Veel succes!

Carel Dicke

Dear Otto and friends, what a beautiful and important project! If there is one thing important we can do against fascism today than it is remembering, telling the names and the stories of victims in the past, so you will make this possible for us about a forgotten group. Thank you, success with the project, Veronica (Amsterdam)

Veronica Divendal

Som veľmi vďačná, že niečo také uzrie svetlo sveta. Stále zisťujem vo svojom okolí, že ľudia o predpremiére holokaustu v podobe akcie T4 nevedia a nikoho netrápi, že sa o tom ani nehovorí a neučí v školách. Niečo to vypovedá o našej spoločnosti. Konkrétne to, že na niektorých životoch "nezáleží". Že mnoho ľudí svoje privilégiá, s ktorými sa narodili alebo im boli dané počas života bez akéhokoľvek ich príčinenia, nevnímajú, no tých, ktorým dané neboli, odsudzujú či ignorujú, namiesto aby im pomohli. Podporuje sa toľko vecí, ktoré sú mnohokrát dosť zbytočné, a na niečo tak dôležité a prioritné, ako je toto dielo, sa musia zbierať obyčajní ľudia... :-( Bola by som rada, keby som sa dozvedela, kde budem môcť danú publikáciu získať! Ďakujem vopred za túto možnosť!

Daniela Komanická

Díky za vaší práci!

Karolina Nedělová
CZK 200