Under normal circumstances the solidarity cafés that have decided to be part of the Místní místním (Locals for Locals) network offer free services and vouchers that can be used by anyone in need or without homes. You could either leave the pre-paid voucher at the café, where it can be used by anyone who needs it, or you can take it with you and offer it to anyone in need or without homes yourself.
Due to coronavirus, restrictions have made it difficult to buy vouchers in the solidarity cafés and have also the availability of services that could be prepaid (for people in need).
We have agreed with the solidarity cafés of the Locals for Locals network that we will give you the opportunity to buy vouchers online for services that the cafés are currently able to provide and which will help the most in the winter.
By purchasing such a voucher, you will support not only people in need, whose survival conditions have worsened because of the crisis but also the solidarity companies themselves, which are also affected by government measures. Together we can help your favourite solidary café to warm up and feed people without homes in our city and show them we all care!
The participating cafés and restaurants will include:
Kavárna Čekárna – hot drinks
Pražírna – hot drinks
ROH Družstevní kavárna – hot drinks & soup
Photo courtesy of Kavárna Čekárna
Throughout the campaign, we will continually distribute the vouchers to our solidarity network. Day centres, transitional shelters, and street workers from NGOs (Naděje, the Salvation Army and Charita) will inform people in need about the availability of the vouchers.
Throughout the campaign, we will continually distribute the vouchers to our solidarity network. Day centres, transitional shelters, and street workers from NGOs (Naděje, the Salvation Army and Charita) will inform people in need about the availability of the vouchers.
But this can only happen with your support!
Together let’s warm up the stomachs and hearts of people in need!
If the collected amount of money allows, we will also support two other members of our solidarity network: Bistro Střecha and Přestupní stanice, who currently cannot offer our vouchers, but are helping people in need with their own projects.
Choose the amount you want to contribute
Selecting a donation amount will show you what our solidarity cafés will provide to people in need, alternatively you may choose whatever amount you want to contribute, it's up to you.
je to dobrá věc :)
Děkujeme za možnost pomoci potřebným.Hodně štěstí :)
Posilam hlavne silu a viru !
Thank you for giving us the chance to support this project
Dobrou chuť a veselou mysl :)
Doufám, že to někomu pomůže a bude si vážit tohoto daru :)