Please, help us complete what is missing for the approval:
* Railings on two balconies,
* Fire door 5x
* Finishing the plasterboard ceiling
* Floor in the sacristy
* Completion of the gate to the courtyard
Many thanks to everyone who supported us! Thank you for your warm messages and prayers.
* Railings on two balconies,
* Fire door 5x
* Finishing the plasterboard ceiling
* Floor in the sacristy
* Completion of the gate to the courtyard
Many thanks to everyone who supported us! Thank you for your warm messages and prayers.
Thanks to your help the missionaries in Bulgaria have crossed another milestone in the construction of the church and school for poor families in Stara Zagora. The community house had been completed, and the missionaries moved in.
We will gradually relocate the activities for children to our new center too.
You are in our prayers and all donors who have provided us with their postal address can look forward to a personal thank you by mail soon.
Zdravíme Cvrčka ze Zlina🙂
Pradědeček v Bulharsku kdysi pomáhal s jedním pivovarem, tak já můžu s něčím jiným... :-D
Moc vás všechny zdravím z Brna, fandím tak důležité a potřebné práci a těším se snad zase někdy na viděnou 😉.
Moc děkujeme za podporu!
ať se daří dokončit tento projekt a mnoho dalších!
Děkujeme za podporu i modlitby!
...přidáme s dětmi, ze školky Hvězdičky, i modlitbu.
Děkujeme :) !!!