Giving Information Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Support us in the right time

For 15 years we have been supporting individuals and families broken by drug and alcohol addiction, by providing a long-term stay program to those seeking help, completely free of charge. Under normal circumstances, we cover the costs of treatment with the proceeds of our three social enterprises. However, their operation is limited and during the current pandemic we have faced a significant loss of income. Would you be willing to help those seeking support in our community during this difficult time? For every 100 Crowns you donate, we will recieve 200 (for every 10 Euros we will recieve 20)!

we started on 2021-03-26
raised 118 % out of  €13,908

supported by

103 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Every gift you give will be doubled! For each Crown or Euro you donate, we recieve two.

Please would you consider supporting us with a one-time gift - the amount of which will be doubled by a partnering foundation which we have been cooperating with for a long time. Thank you!

Unfortuately like so many others are experiencing at this current time, the pandemic has put us in a very difficult situation financially.

Since the 27th December last year, our charity shop Nábytková farma has been closed, resulting in an average of 35 - 45 000 CZK loss in sales every week. In previous lockdowns, we have been able to compensate for this through using reserves that we have had from previous seasons, as well as through selling online. However, this time around we no longer have any reserves to fall back on, and due to the added government restrictions on movement between districts, unfortunately our customers cannot come to collect the furniture, resulting in even our online sales becoming increasingly low. On top of this, our income from our removals service has also dropped significantly.

Due to this, we are unfortunately unable to fully provide for our 5 full-time and 2-part-time employees as well as our 8-12 clients without the help of donors. We are desperatly in need of any financial help possible. 

Thank you for your gifts. 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

THANK YOU! We are so grateful for all your gifts big or small. Every little helps and makes a difference. Your financial help encouraged us and motivated us to work even harder in helping the addicted. We will keep this offering running because our shop is still closed and we do not know for how long. Please, note from now on the amount won't be doubled anymore.

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Kéž Bůh posílí, povzbudí a vede všechny ty, kteří to myslí opravdově. Ať vaše služba může pokračovat bez omezení a rozvíjet se!

Michal Petras

Rádi si přijedeme koupit nějaký nábytek. Vydržte.

Matouš Zoubek

Děkujeme. Přijeďte pro nábytek. Vydržíme.


Dekuji za to, co děláte

Antonin Mucha
CZK 250


CZK 300

Ať se daří! :)


God bless u betel!

Tomas Oravec
CZK 1,000

Skvělý! Děkujeme.


Perfektní nápad jak vrátit člověka zpátky do normálního života. Podporuji...

Jitka Blechová
CZK 5,000



Držím palce, aby se vám podařilo zvládnout tuhle náročnou dobu a dále pomáhat! Děláte úžasnou práci. A všem vašim klientům přeji hodně sil, zvládnete to 💪🏻❤️

Jakub Jahn

Děkujeme za ocenění a povzbuzení! 💪🏻 Toho není nikdy dost.


Happy Birthday Petr 😉

Radka Howlett

Thank you Radko 😉


Děláte to dobře! Jen tak dál.

Iveta L.

S takovou podporou to jde úplně jinak!