Pet Heroes z.s.


Help for Eliška

We took Eliška in our care from her owners who weren't able to continue taking care of her anymore. Unfortunately, we found out at the vet that apart from incontinence, she also suffers from chronic kidney failure and she also has tumors on her mammary gland. 😢 Please, will you help provide Eliška with the needed surgery?

we started on 2021-04-07

supported by

100 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
When we received a letter with the question if we can take in a 12 years old incontinent female doggie because her family is starting to be inable to cope with taking care of her and if they won't find a new place for her, they will have to have her euthanized, we didn't hesitate and promised help immediately.

Eliška suffered an injury that left her incontinent, but she can walk nicely. She still has zest for life and she deserves a chance to live a content retirement in a family who will love her.

Originally, she went to see the vet only to be checked up. But her stay there prolonged unexpectedly, because the vet found out that she suffers from chronic kidney failure and she also has tumors on her mammary gland... 😢

Eliška therefore must undergo a surgery during which the entirety of mammary gland will be removed. Please, send Eliška a donation and help her get better. 🙏

Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

pro Elišku :-) ať se jí daří.

Hana Puklicka

Držíme všechny tlapky😘

Helena Parasková
CZK 100

Eliška, drž sa 😘 Musíš bojovať, verím, že to zvládneš 💖✊✊😍

Anastázia Baluchová

Eliško, holčičko, bojuj

Eva Krejzová
CZK 250

Drž se ty malá bojovnice. ❤❤❤🍀🍀🍀

CZK 500

Eliško držíme ti doma palce i tlapky. Bojuj princezno ❤️

Kateřina Danielová

Držím palce ať vše dobře dopadne 😀

Monika Lesáková
CZK 1,000

Ať je broučkovi líp

Karolína Kirňaková
CZK 100

Myslím na tebe, holčičko. Určitě to zvládneš!

Hana Nedvědová
CZK 200

Elišce, doufáme, že se brzo uzdraví! ♥

Iva Přivřelová
CZK 500