Incontinence pads are crucial when it comes to taking care of incontinent animals such as Tara, Sambi, Bailey or Eliška, but also when taking care of animals after a surgery etc.
We have just a few last packages in the storeroom right now, so we will be grateful to you for sending us a donation to buy more pads.
You can also buy and send the pads to the animals directly. We prefer the incontinent pads MoliCare Bed Mat 60 x 90, we have the best experience with those. Send them to the address: Nikol Burešová Hlavatého 15 149 00 Praha, tel. 725 723 947, e-mail
A huge thank you for your help. ❤
Donations exceeding the expenses of purchasing the incontinence pads will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
We have just a few last packages in the storeroom right now, so we will be grateful to you for sending us a donation to buy more pads.
You can also buy and send the pads to the animals directly. We prefer the incontinent pads MoliCare Bed Mat 60 x 90, we have the best experience with those. Send them to the address: Nikol Burešová Hlavatého 15 149 00 Praha, tel. 725 723 947, e-mail
A huge thank you for your help. ❤
Donations exceeding the expenses of purchasing the incontinence pads will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
Děkuji za Vaši úžasnou péči a všem chlupáčkům posílám pusu.
Thank you for helping animals!
Netušila jsem, že je potřebujete, snad alespoň trochu pomůžu ❤ Držte se!
Posíláme potřebný příspěvek a držíme palečky, až vše dobře dopadne.
Eliška s maminkou (máme od vás Bubbles)
Přeji vám, aby se vám vše to dobré, co děláte, někdy v životě vrátilo.
Posíláme 1.000,-kč děkujeme že se staráte🙂
Držím palce
Ráda přispěji na dobrou věc, hlavně když jsou to zvířátka 😊 Zaslouží si péči a lásku 💖