Antelope Conservation, z. s.

Help to South Moravia Animals

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) calls for support for the Hodonín Zoo, devastated by yesterday's tornado

A tornado such as Czechs know only from Hollywood movies swept through southern Moravia on the night of June 24 and, among other things, razed half of the HODONÍN ZOO, used by our faculty's collaborators there for the past 20 years for breeding elands. Hodonín Zoo is also a full member of the Derbianus NGO and regularly supports the conservation of the Derby eland. Therefore, the FTA, in cooperation with Derbianus, has decided to help the zoo. At present, the garden is without electricity, without water and Internet. The animals are in a state of shock, the trees fallen, fences are destroyed. Financial assistance for the upcoming restoration of the devastated garden will be more than necessary. We would like to ask students, employees, and friends of FTZ to contribute to the fundraiser aimed to support the renewal of the HODONÍN ZOO. Thank you!

we started on 2021-06-25

supported by

30 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Source: FB of Martin Krug, director of the Hodonín Zoo
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Věřím, že se podaří obnovit plnohodnotný provoz. Všem ze Zoo Hodonín přeji hodně sil při boji s následky devastujícího tornáda.

Lucie Ackermann Blažková
CZK 1,000

Držte se!

Hynek Roubik

snad to pomůže. Tomková

Dana Tomková
CZK 500