SVĚTOVA 1 z.s.

Culture, Art and History

Young art is worth it! Keep S1 going.

Art is work and exhibitions cost money. A lot of money. And funding an independent Art Space amidst a world-wide crisis is no piece of cake. Sadly, we can't do it on our own anymore. We must go Global. That's why in 2022, we plan to transform S1 beyond recognition – and we ask you to be a part of it! ♥♥ (PS: We keep all donations! Thank you) ♥♥

we started on 2021-11-10

Young art is worth it! Keep S1 going.

Young art is worth it! Help us overcome crises, grow and exhibit the young generation alongside world-renowned names. By donating or buying anything from our, you directly support young artists and maintain the existence of SVĚTOVA 1. Thank You! ♥♥ (PS: We keep all donations! Thank you) ♥♥
raised 13 % out of  €3,995

supported by

33 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Is young art worth it? We believe it is – that's why we've been showing it for free for over 3 years and helping young artists grow. But how can we finance such belief?
In 2022, pure enthusiasm will no longer cut it. It won't work without you.  

Independent culture has suffered a shock. Smaller galleries are going bankrupt, young artists are suffering, and if it goes on like this, our generation will have nowhere to exhibit. But we're still here.  And we want to help young artists grow despite all this. And that's why we must grow too.

And how will we grow 🌱? 
  • SVĚTOVA 1 store – We've built a new way you can help young artists by buying their art. Support us either here or at where you can get our merch too!
  • Generational dialogue – We will enable the young generation to exhibit in SVĚTOVA 1 alongside world-renowned artists:
  • Ai Weiwei, Basim Magdy and Sharon Van Overmeiren 
  • We're transforming the interior of S1 into a new environment – more playful, pleasant, inspiring.
  • Office by S1 – A new space for events and public programs
  • Did we say we finally have a bar yet?
All this will be impossible without your help, though. And that's why we turn to you – our community. It'll cost us a lot – the same sweat, hard work and money that the last 3 years of shows and events cost us. We knew all that though, and still went for it head-on! And now we ask you to come with us. Sounds good? More info below 👇.

What exactly are you helping fund?

SVĚTOVA 1 store:
As one of the first galleries in the Czech Republic, we newly started selling art of the young generation. We believe it's worth it. We want to support young artists not only with shows and our platform, but also directly offer them the opportunity to make money from their art. Wouldn't that be a wonderful world?
Either donate here, or hop to for our merch or limited Edition artworks from Viktorie Štěpánová, Olga Krykun or Leevi Toija!

Generational dialogue:
In the form of Open Calls, we plan to enable young artists to exhibit alongside world-renowned names. These are going to be our most expensive shows yet. Young art is worth it though. In 2022, we want to hold 3 of these group shows: with Ai Weiwei, Basim Magdy and Sharon Van Overmeiren. We want to examine the different geopolitical, temporal and ideological backgrounds of both generations – to see youth from the other side. To get to know ourselves from the perspective of others.

New environment:
The bare white cube was a relic long before we were formed. Let's take it from the ground up – with your help, new walls, objects and layers will grow inside S1. Just as growth is not a straightforward path, so won't our space be without it's ups and downs. In practice, however, this will mainly mean that you will have a place to sit with your drink.

As many of you already know, we have a bar! This was the first step in our growth – a proof that we're being serious and your support will be meaningful. Refreshment in the form of art, friends and now drinks. Fancy a local Libeň beer Trilobit, perhaps?

Office by S1:
Office was the second step in our transformation, another proof of our dedication. We built a new room in addition to the main space – a stylized office for concerts, performances, flea markets and other events. We just need to buy better sound insulation...

The last 3 years have brought us immense joy, experience and tough lessons. We firmly believe, that we've made a significant mark in the art world, brightened up your day with our shows, and helped a great deal of artists grow. But in the current times, it's only through our community, mutual support and... money, that we can keep existing.

Thank you for you support!
Zai, Michal, David, Štěpán, Jana, Aglaja, Terka & Kačka
Check out our
IG and FB for more.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


Ezra Simek

Držte se✨

Markéta Dočkalová

Good luck and keep going

Wei Zheng

lets bring Ai Wei Wei


Držím palce!

Martin Pavlović
CZK 300

Moc děkujeme!

SVĚTOVA 1 z.s.


Karolina Feixova


SVĚTOVA 1 z.s.

Držte se!

Erika Hatašová


SVĚTOVA 1 z.s.

Ať se daří a ať je víc a větších přispěvatelů🙂.

Jiří Laufer
CZK 150

Díky za matéčko <3


I love ambitious startups, especially those related to Art. You got my respect. Believe & work hard.

Matej Stepan