Pet Heroes z.s.


Donate to Stephen for his dental examination

We suspect that Stephen has bad front teeth. So, he will now go for a checkup of his kidneys and if everything will be allright, he will then have his teeth examined by a specialist. Please, will you help secure the examination for him? 🙏

we started on 2021-11-08
raised 126 % out of  €198

supported by

9 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Stephen doesn't like to go to the vet, unfortunately, he can't avoid visiting the veterinary clinic, because we suspect that he has bad front teeth. 😔

So, he will soon undergo a checkup of his kidneys for us to know if it's safe for him to undergo a dental examination at a specialist while he will be under anesthesia. The poor boy doesn't have it easy when it comes to health. 😕

We estimate the cost of the veterinary care Stephen will need to be about CZK 5 000, please, will you help him? 🙏

Donations exceeding the expenses of taking care of particular animal will be used to get help to animals in need, in accordance with the announced collection.
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Ať všechno dobře dopadne miláčku a jsi zdravý ❤️

Veronika Uhlíková
CZK 200