The important things do not change with the times. Whether it’s the stories from the times we ourselves faced war and totalitarianism or the ones happening right now just a few hundred kilometres away from us, they are connected by the longing for freedom, safety, and one’s home. Our own experience with war and totalitarianism in the 20th century makes us obligated to help others.
In 2019, the non-profit organisation Post Bellum set up an office in Lviv with the goal of filming the witness accounts for the Paměť národa archive. Our colleagues in Ukraine recorded dozens of stories mostly from survivors of Stalinist repressions, dissidents, and political prisoners. After the outbreak of the war, they asked for our help. We could not decline. Thanks to your support, we have supplied the defenders of Ukraine with thousands of bulletproof vests and helmets, tonnes of medical equipment and optical devices as well as fully equipped ambulances and fire trucks. Dozens of human lives have verifiably been saved thanks to this. All the aid provided has been non-lethal in nature.
All materials needed have been consulted with experts from the Army of the Czech Republic. The recipients of our aid are predominantly frontline fighters, members of special forces units. The assistance is implemented through the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Representatives of the Czech Embassy in Kyiv then oversee the correct use and distribution of the material to those in need.
In cooperation with the Donio portal and, above all, six thousand generous donors, we managed to collect funds for equipment of two field hospitals that play a vital role in saving the lives of wounded soldiers. We have been delivering the material on an ongoing basis and the vast majority are already serving in hospitals. The remaining material will be delivered by the end of the year.
On the evening of August 20, 2024, together with the NGO´s mentioned above, we organized a commemorative event called "Go home, Ivan" in Boris Němcov's park. We remembered the time when we, Czechia, faced Soviet aggression too.
You can also contribute to the charitable fund with a direct payment to the donations account: 123-6318620207/0100 (for donations from abroad: IBAN: CZ 7601000001236318620207, BIC / SWIFT code: KOMBCZPPXXX). Contact:
Thank you for your support!
Слава Україні — Героям Слава!
Moc děkuji za vše co děláte. Musím říct, že se doma až stydíme, jak dobře se tady máme, když vidíme dnešní Ukrajinu a ženy s dětmi na rukou a staré lidi jak utíkají před válkou. Obdivujeme sílu a odhodlání Ukrajiny, s jakou se postavila Rusku, obdivujeme všechny ty úžasné lidi a je nám moc líto co se děje. Jejich prezidenta jim může závidět celý svět. Sláva Ukrajině!
Poděkování za to, co děláte nelze vyjádřit slovy
Děkuji za vaši úžasnou práci a pomoc Ukrajině !!
Děkuji za to, co děláte!
Posílám alespoň co je momentálně v mých možnostech. Stanislav Šikl
Slava Ukrajine
Jste neskutečně stateční, nikdy se nevzdávejte, vydržte a snad se konečně štěstí usměje. Myslím na vás neustále a věřím v dobré konce se spravedlností a svobodou. Držte se!
Držte se.
Moje, žena je dcera svojí vlasti a i když nemáme moc pořad se snažíme pomáhat. Toto není boj proti Rusku, ale je to boj za svobodu a demokracii. Boj za svobodu nás všech. Boj za svět jak ho známe! Každý na Ukrajině tvoří dějiny a ukazuje nám jak vypadá hrdina!