Pet Heroes z.s.

Help for Ukraine Animals

Help for cats evacuated from Ukraine

We helped to get 10 kitties from their owner in Ukraine to the safety of our shelter. We will be very glad for any donation for veterinary care, food, and everything else the kitties will need. Thank you.

we started on 2022-03-06

Help for cats evacuated from Ukraine


supported by

164 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The situation in Ukraine wasn't easy for animals even before the invasion and that's even more true now when Russian troops are in the country. But you can find people there that care about their animals as family members. And these people need help to get their animals to safety. We helped to get 10 kitties from their owner to the safety of our shelter. We will be very glad for any donation for veterinary care, food, and everything else the kitties will need. Thank you.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkujeme za vaši starostlivost. Mirka s rodinou

Miroslava Slováčková
CZK 1,000

Moc děkujeme za podporu. <3

Pet Heroes z.s.


Alina Neupokoieva
CZK 1,000

Snad se díky mému skromnému daru podaří zlepšit aspoň jeden kočičí život.. 🙏

Ilona Pořízková
CZK 500

Děkuji za záchranu kočiček ❤️

Zdeňka Peterková
CZK 300

Každá kapka v moři dobrá...😻😻😻

Julie Nevrklova

Mám doma kočičku a byla bych ráda, kdyby jí v podobné situaci někdo pomohl. Držím palce kočičkám i všem statečným lidem, kteří chrání svou vlast.


Skvělé práce!

Ian Hunt
CZK 300

Mam doma rozmazlenou bilou kocicku, podporuji tedy ty "chudinky"co podstoupily tak dlouhou cestu k nam,ztratily sve panicky a ted jsou stejne zavrene v karantene.Tak jim preju,at se jich nekdo ujme a maji jeste krasny dlouhy zivot u nas.

Yveta Hajičkova
CZK 200


Veronika Benešová
CZK 300

Děkuji za vše.

CZK 300