
Zdravotní klaun, o.p.s.

Děti, mládež, rodina Zdraví

Give children and elderly people so much needed laugh and happiness!

Clowndoctors are ready to empower sick children and the elderly when they need it most. But they can't do it themselves, they need your help, your kind heart. Gloomy hospitals can be turned into an oasis of laughter and joy only thanks to people like you will. Thank you from the bottom of our heart and our nose 🔴 for your kind decision to support joy and laughter in 63 hospitals, 10 retirement homes and 1 hospice on a regular basis.

Přispět v :
The most important and extensive activities of Clowndoctors are regular visits of hospitalized children.

Through visits at the bedside children are empowered to return to their natural playfulness as they are given very much needed impetus for self-confidence and courage. The clown visits have an important impact on the psychosocial wellbeing and the recovery process of the children.   Clowndoctors visit all pediatric departments indcluding, surgery, oncology, ICU and emergency rooms.

Clowndoctors as well accompany children during surgery to the operating room and visit seriously ill children in home care. Other clown programs include a tailor-made musical theatre Kutálka (Caravan Orchestra), dedicated to the needs of multiply disabled children, as well as the weekly Cirkus Paciento program for long-term pediatric patients.

We provided sick and suffering pediatric and elderly patients with amazing 4,617 clown visits throughout the Czech Republic in 2022. Clowndoctors instilled joy and laughter in the veins of 1,350,000 patients, so for a moment their immediate diagnose had status a "cheerful patient."

We have long-term contracts with each facility we visit. It specifies the day and time when our Clowndoctors come for a visit. Therefore, hospitalized children and elderly people know in advance when they can look forward to their laughter. The regularity of clowns‘ visits is especially important for long-term patients, for whom clowns tend to be one of a very few highlights of their illness.

Your donation is crucially important! Do you know that more than 80% of our funds come from people like you? After all, the ocean would not be an ocean without never-ending small droplets!

Please send your donation today. Give sick children laughter and joy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! In laughter there is a hope.  
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