Support families raising a child with a disability with any amount of money.
Immerse yourself, soak in cold water in any way. For example, in the pond, creek, in the lava, take a cold shower. This will symbolically support the families of children with disabilities. You can take a photo, record it on video and post it on your Facebook, Instagram with the hashtag #nebudsrab, or upload your photos and videos here. However, neither the photo nor the video is a condition of participation in the campaign.
Immerse yourself, soak in cold water in any way. For example, in the pond, creek, in the lava, take a cold shower. This will symbolically support the families of children with disabilities. You can take a photo, record it on video and post it on your Facebook, Instagram with the hashtag #nebudsrab, or upload your photos and videos here. However, neither the photo nor the video is a condition of participation in the campaign.
Also, invite your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives to support early care and get involved with us - any spread of the campaign is welcome!
Don't be a scumbag ! Wet for Early Childhood Intervention runs in December 2022 and January 2023. Its goal is to raise 1,000,000 crowns to support families with children with disabilities at an early age in the Czech Republic.
Early Childhood Intervention is provided free of charge to families with children with disabilities, but this does not mean that it costs anything. Although the state guarantees a statutory service for families, public resources to help all needs families unfortunately, this is not enough. We can provide timely help for all our clients only thanks to our donors: foundations and corporate and individual donors. This support is irreplaceable: it is these gifts that will allow us to come to all the children as soon as possible after the diagnosis and provide the whole family with fully professional care. Early Childhood Intervention has a major impact on a child's adult life. Therefore, many thanks to all of you who support Early Childhood Intervention !
Early Childhood Intervention is provided free of charge to families with children with disabilities, but this does not mean that it costs anything. Although the state guarantees a statutory service for families, public resources to help all needs families unfortunately, this is not enough. We can provide timely help for all our clients only thanks to our donors: foundations and corporate and individual donors. This support is irreplaceable: it is these gifts that will allow us to come to all the children as soon as possible after the diagnosis and provide the whole family with fully professional care. Early Childhood Intervention has a major impact on a child's adult life. Therefore, many thanks to all of you who support Early Childhood Intervention !
How we will use your gift:
CZK 1,000 = specialized examination of the child
CZK 500 = family consultation
CZK 300 = tailor-made tool for a child
Thanks to all of you who will support Early Childhood Intervention and get wet with us!
Hodně sil!
Namočení asi vynechám, ale rád daruju pár drobných.
Považuji provázení rodin nemocných dětí jako velmi potřebné, proto jsem ráda, že se této pomoci mohu účastnit alespoň drobným darem.
Moc děkujeme za Vaši podporu!!!
Dar je za team Process Engineeringu Edwards Lutín Olomouc - nejsme srabi a namočili jsme se v Moravě :-)
Děkujeme za otužilecký výkon i za podporu rodin dětí s postižením! Jste skvělí!
Zasíláme s velkou radostí finanční výtěžek lekcí pro Společnost pro ranou péči ze Studia Jóga na Zátiší v Českých Budějovicích:-)
Děkujeme za tuto úžasnou podporu rodin dětí s postižením!!! Velké díky!!!!
Dar za Oční oddělení Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s.
Děkujeme Vám všem!!!!!! I díky Vám budeme moci i v příštím roce podporovat rodiny dětí s postižením v raném věku!!!! Přejeme krásné Vánoce a dobrý rok 2023!!!
I díky Vám se Miky dostal tak daleko. Kéž by všechny potřebné děti a jejich rodiny měly včasný přístup k Vaší službě. Děkujeme!
Moc nás Vaše slova těší. Velmi zdravíme a děkujeme za podporu!
14. oddíl Soumaři, Eskadra Ostrava
Moc děkujeme a zdravíme skvělé skauty!!!!!
Zdravím všechny nadšence otužování. Za mě krásný projekt🙋♀️
Děkujeme za milá slova i za podporu rané péče!
Koupat se nebudu, penize posilam ;-)
I tak jste se s námi namočil na podporu rodin dětí s postižením! A za to velké díky!