Pet Heroes z.s.


Save Wormy's life

He was found injured, probably hit by a car. He was without help for several days with a complicated fracture of his front leg and pelvis. Small kitten that no one wanted.

we started on 2022-09-13

supported by

38 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Unwanted... unloved... nameless. He was dying all alone and without any help. 😭
That's the story of the kitty we took in our care yesterday. 🥺
We named him Wormy. Most likely it was the first time he felt loving and caring human touch. What's certain is he saw a veterinarian for the first time. 😟

For several days, he was lying all alone at a road, being eaten alive by worms. Why did he have to suffer so much? ‼

At first, we thought only his front leg was not allright. He has a complicated joint fracture there. Unfortunately, that wasn't all, the vet found out his pelvis is fractured as well. 😨

We don't understand how the person who hit him by a car could just leave him lying and dying! 🤬

The ONLY positive news is that Wormy is FIV and FeLV negative. 

✅ His foster auntie took him to home care immediately after examination at the vet. 

Wormy is to undergo a demanding surgery, during which they will try to save his front leg. The area around the pelvis has to be open, cleaned and sew up to suppress the possible infection. 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Moc na Wormyho myslíme a přejeme brzké uzdravení ❤️

Michaela Skalníková
CZK 1,000

Jsem důchodce a rád přispějí ať mu to pomůže mám doma tři kočičky

Jan Jelen
CZK 300

Přeji ať se kocourek uzdraví. Petr

Petr Derner


Vladimira Křístková
CZK 30,000

Přeji Wormymu už jen spokojený život!



Martina Heimlichova

Hodně štěstí přeji milacku

Jirina Dudová
CZK 180

Ať se brzy uzdraví!!!

Ivana Heboussová
CZK 500