Místní místním, z.ú.

Human Rights Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Let's support people in need during the winter

We want to help people without homes to get through the difficult winter period. How? Thanks to the vouchers in social friendly places across Prague. By donating for MM solidarity vouchers, you will provide someone in need, a hot drink, a bite to eat, and feel the support of your neighbourhood.

we started on 2022-11-15

I want to purchase vouchers for people in need

...every voucher is an opportunity. Thank you!

supported by

22 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The Solidarity Network of Místní místním connects together cafés, restaurants, theaters and other shopkeepers who wish to offer essential services free to people without homes and anyone in need throughout the year. Since winter is tough, we decided to announce our winter campaign for the fourth time. With your support people without homes can experience a more pleasant winter. Come and join us! 

  • 2019, together with you, we purchased up to 170 vouchers for people without homes and anyone in need
  • 2020 was a record, 2255 purchased vouchers
  • 2021 1337 vouchers were prepaid and used
The vouchers are mostly for hot drinks, coffee, warm soup and food, but also for clothes and theater tickets. Help us to provide enough vouchers for this year so that social friendly shopkeepers in Prague can help people throughout the whole winter.  

The Solidarity Network of Místní místním connects shopkeepers open for people in need. Currently, there are 17 solidarity places in 7 districts of Prague. To support people without homes and anyone in need, we cooperate with most of the main social service providers in Prague, such as Naděje, Armáda Spásy,  Fokus, Charita, etc. We are part of the global platform The Chime, where we are in contact with projects like us from France, Belgium, Spain, Seattle and Vancouver etc.

In addition to the vouchers, the Solidarity Network offers small local services free of charge not only to people without homes, but also to anyone in need. Let´s together support the solidarity places and the more costly services so that they can continue to help those in need.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkujeme za vaší pomoc v těchto mrazivých dnech

Aneta Hejrovská
CZK 180

Držím palce

Adam Bílek
CZK 200

Thank you for this amazing job! :)

Karolina Gosciniak