Education and Research Culture, Art and History

Memory of Nations South Bohemia

Forgetting is easy. That's why we are filming and telling the testimonies of witnesses from South Bohemia that must not disappear. We document, tell, educate and help. We couldn't do any of this without you. Thank you for your support!

we started on 2022-11-23
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The network of regional branches of the Memory of the Nation allows us to film interviews with interesting memorials directly in their region and with documentary filmmakers who know the local topics well. In addition to filming, the branches are involved in educational projects, organising exhibitions, meetings and talks, and working with local media and authorities to cover important regional issues.

We believe that storytelling also transmits values, which is why we are committed to commemorating the experience of totalitarian regimes in the 20th and 21st centuries. We would be grateful if you would join us in doing so. Become a donor and help us care for the Memory of a Nation.

Thank you!
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