Education and Research Culture, Art and History

Memory of Nations Central Moravia

Forgetting is easy. That is why we are filming and telling the testimonies of witnesses from the Olomouc and Zlín regions, which must not disappear. We document, narrate, educate and help. We could not have done any of this without you.

we started on 2022-11-30
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The existence of our office allows us to get close to interesting testimonies in the regions and to film interviews with the witnesses in studios close to their homes. In addition to documentary filmmaking, we are involved in educational projects, organising exhibitions, meetings, talks and working with local media and authorities.

In Olomouc, you can find the exhibition "Uncovered Stories of the 20th Century" in the civil defence shelter in Bezruč Gardens, where you can listen or look into the moving fates of people and places. 

We have prepared our Institute as a public cultural and social project, where we focus on what we do best: popularising modern history through authentic personal testimonies based on the 20 years of building the Memory of Nations collection of memories. Since opening in March 2022, we have welcomed over 3,000 visitors from the public, schools and partner organisations. 

The 561m2 enclosure offers many opportunities for further use. However, current hygiene conditions do not allow us to develop the genius loci of the shelter and its potential. 

Donate to us for to help to purchase air conditioning for the shelter and help us open the space to talented people, contemporary art and science and prepare an even better programme for you! 

Thank you!
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