Křídla Fénixe z. s.

People with disabilities Help for Ukraine

Helping people and families with children with serious illnesses in Ukraine

More than 1,000 children with exceptional health needs have been evacuated from Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Many of them are not so lucky and still hiding from the bombings in Ukraine. Our program provides immediate humanitarian assistance to families with seriously ill children. Thanks to our long-term presence in Ukraine, we have a solid footprint in the country and know exactly where our help is really needed. Being a family with a seriously ill child, from our direct experience, we do know what these families are experiencing and what our program participants' needs are. Unfortunately, there is no health insurance system in Ukraine and patients still have to buy many medicines on their own. Moreover, ongoing war worsens the situation even more. We finance the purchase of vital medicines, establish a face-to-face emotional support service for families by our unique experienced volunteers, ensure these families and who work in the children’s healthcare sector are better equipped to provide support to children and young people with complex healthcare needs. As the population of children and young people living with serious health needs grows, so too does demand for our vital services. Our program is entirely reliant on the fundraising support of individuals and organizations. Help us to make a life changing difference to families caring for seriously ill children.

we started on 2023-01-18

supported by

44 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
We lived in Ukraine for almost 14 years and at first hand we are familiar with a social environment, local mindset and seriously ill people’s needs. We do know how does the healthcare work and what our program participants face in Ukraine. There are some positive changes have taken place in healthcare in Ukraine over recent years. A bone marrow transplantation is carried out at the expense of the state. However, it is still quite far from the healthcare assistance level that we have in the Czech Republic. In addition to concerns about the treatment itself, families have to raise money for life-saving medicines. We know perfectly well how it is important to have a stable mental health for a serious illness successful treatment.

There's no doubt that the war complicated the situation. Medicines have become much more expensive, as have other needs and services. Many people were forced to internally immigrate within Ukraine and thus lost their contacts and environment. Hospitals were destroyed, some doctors died. When we witnessed a successful bone marrow transplant in one of the Kyiv clinics against the backdrop of unceasing machine gun fire on the building, we could not stand aside. Even though we are (so far) not among top-tier charity funds, in 2022 we helped our program participants for more than one million of Czech korunas. We want to significantly expand our charity programs and without your generosity it wouldn’t be possible.

As a matter of priority, we help our program participants financially with the purchase of necessary medicines. Additionally, we refund critical needs and provide financial aid to makes it possible for children and young people with complex health needs to be cared for at home instead of hospital, wherever is possible. Should we find an opportunity to purchase directly the required things in Ukraine, we buy it. It works to benefit of local sellers. In the case when requested item is not available or more expensive in Ukraine, we will purchase it in the Czech Republic and send it directly to the participant. We set a partnership with MeestPost that provides us with subsidized shipping rates. For all that we strive to set a close-knit family’s relations with the participant and her (his) family due to a broad developed volunteers and friends’ network in Ukraine. Therefore, our help will always come into the right hands and to those who really need it. You can be sure that your donation will be addressed and delivered directly to the seriously ill child.

Please visit our website www.kridlafenixe.cz to get more information about us and our projects and auxiliary information regarding the program.
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Malý Bogdan z Žytomyru od nás dostal vysněný tablet. Evidentně z toho měl radost a z toho máme radost my a snad i vy. Chlapec se léčí s leukémií a snad toto bude mít i pozitivní dopad v léčbě. Děkujeme dárcům.

Zásilku od nás dostal také Sáša z ukrajinského města Kropycnyckyj. Sáša trpí aplastickou anémií. Byl sice v tu dobu nachlazený, ale prý rychle vyskočil z postele. A malý bráška zkoumal, jestli v krabici ještě něco nezbylo.

Odeslali jsme zásilku s dobrotami pro Nazara z Žytomyru, který oslepl po úspěšné onkologické léčbě. Nazar měl evidentně ze zásilky radost a my zase radost z té radosti.

Díky Vašim darům jsme mohli nakoupit další tři balení léku Revolade pro naši klientku Karin z jihoukrajinského města Kryvyj Rih. Má tak zásobu na další měsíc příjmu léku ve stanoveném dávkování. Má to smysl. Děkujeme!

Thanks to our generous donors’ donations, we were able to buy 3 more Revolade for Karin and get the beautiful photo. Thus, she has a 2 months reserve of taking the drug at recommended dosage. We have to cover 4 months more, so we are still looking for donors, please join us. It makes the world more meaningful and merciful. Thank you!

We sent Karin a lot of German delicacies to sweet her current situation. They had been purchased thanks to your donations (personal funds) and delivered quickly and reliably thanks to the generous sponsorship of www.meestpost.com. Karin did such a good job of making the unboxing video that it just didn't give us a chance not to post it here.

Your contributions made it possible to acquire and deliver the first 3 Revolade packages to Karin. Three more parcels have been ordered and they are on the way. Karin and her mother are very grateful to you, and so are we.  We hope that more people will join us so that we can achieve our goal of buying six months Revolade pack. It gives our life a sense of purpose!

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Díky za to, co děláte.

Kateřina Čiperová

Pro Karin

Elena Lennerová
CZK 24,000

Díky za to co děláte!

CZK 2,000

Ať se daří

CZK 25,000

Matouš 25:31

Jan Zrzavý
CZK 1,000

Dobrý počin. Ať se daří!


Ať se vše povede!

CZK 200