Srdcem zapsaný spolek, z. s.

Culture, Art and History


In an attempt to answer the question about belonging, about what gives poise throughout life, looking for some sacred event, something unique, strong and intense that provides a reason, the aurora appears. The aurora traces a line, marks a horizon that divides the sky and the earth. What a sacred moment every time the sun goes down. Every day the sun rises and falls again. Repeatedly every day. Aurora is a dance piece, a hypnotic and meditative experience in which two dancers imagine how their rhythm is composed with the order of the universe. It is about a bond, about its fragility and its power, which reveals to us the sublime dimension that its meeting forms take on in relation to the whole. Aurora is an act of faith: it is a dynamic that operates, that tensions, that supports, that accompanies, transforms, and thus purifies.

we started on 2023-03-15


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AURORA is a dance piece by Argentinian choreographer and dance artist based in Czech Carolina Arandia.
Aurora is a hypnotic and meditative experience in which two dancers imagine how their rhythm is composed with the order of the universe. It is about a bond, about its fragility and its power, which reveals to us the sublime dimension that its meeting forms take on in relation to the whole.

The aurora traces a line, marks a horizon that divides the sky and the earth.
What a sacred moment every time the sun goes down. Every day the sun rises and falls again. Repeatedly every day.
Aurora is an act of faith: it is a dynamic that operates, that tensions, that supports, that accompanies, transforms, and thus purifies.

In an attempt to answer the question about belonging, about what gives poise throughout life, looking for some sacred event, something unique, strong and intense that provides a reason, the aurora appears.

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