The festival is a celebration of Antonín Dvořák’s greatness and of his contemporaries, his successors, and often his close friends. Support our event, presenting nearly three weeks of the most talented artists letting the music speak directly to our hearts. There is no substitute for the experience in the concert hall. And just like doctors heal our bodies, Dvořák heals our spirits.
With your support, the festival will continue to blossom. We cannot survive without your favour as listeners or without your financial support. The money that is raised will be used directly for realising our festival programmes. It is therefore thanks to you that these festival concerts can take place.We are grateful for your patronage.
The story of Antonín Dvořák’s life is an inspiration for us all. Let’s inspire each other!
Jednoduchý vzkaz - děláte to výborně :). Jarka Kapitolová
It was another wonderful program this year.
Letošní ročník je úchvatný, těším se na další!
Velice vám fandím ve všem snažení! Jen tak dál :)
Krásné hudby není nikdy dost. Dvořákova Praha k tomu přispívá měrou vrchovatou.
Hudba povznáší ducha a léčí deprese.
Podporujme dobré věci.
Hudba je lék na všechny strasti a je dobré ji podporovat.