At Discover, we believe that every student regardless their financial situation should be given the chance to become a part of community, which shares love for education. We are trying to keep the expenses as low as possible. As organizers, we are preparing Discover with any clam for a reward. Despite that, the price is still higher than most other summer camps. We are already granting 10% of our students. Increasing the fees would be a barrier for a great number of students.
Your money will go towards student scholarship and teaching equipment for our volunteers.
Your donation of 160 euros will allow us to grant a scholarship to one underprivileged student.
Your donation of 290 euros will cover all costs of one student’s participation in Discover.
All student fees are lower than actual cost per student. The difference is covered by donations.
Discover jako projekt mi dává veliký smysl. Dokáže studující nabít energií, aby se dál vzdělávali a aby se angažovali ve svém okolí. Přeji každému, aby měl šanci si Discover vyzkoušet, tak jako před lety já. <3