CARE Česká republika

Humanitarian Aid

Help innocent women and families who’ve lost everything to disaster and crisis.

Children are the least responsible for armed conflict, but suffer the most from its harsh consequences. Your help can ensure that children growing up in war-torn countries have access to safe water, nutritious food, health care, education and the protection they so desperately need. Thank you.

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Your donation to the CARE Crisis Fund supports women and children affected by conflict and emergencies around the world. Find out more here.

CARE is one of the most important international humanitarian organisations in the world. Since 1945, we have been promoting human dignity and responding immediately to crises and humanitarian disasters.
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Doufám, že tyhle peníze aspoň trochu pomohou.

Andrej Bandrivskyj
CZK 500

Dobrý den, pane Bandrivskyj, moc děkujeme za zaslání daru pro děti ve válečných konfliktech. Naše organizace má své pobočky v zemích válečných konfliktů a pomáhá přímo na místě. Váš dar tedy určitě hodně pomůže.
Zdenka za CARE Česká republika

CARE Česká republika


Roman Mahdal
CZK 500

Jsem s vámi

Jiří Kalivoda
CZK 750