CARE Česká republika

Humanitarian Aid

GAZA - please help families in crisis

Together with our partners, we provide life-saving aid such as food, water, medical and psychosocial care, especially to mothers, children and entire families in Gaza's refugee camps.

Your gift will provide food, health supplies, and shelter to people in crisis. CARE is there to help, please give now!
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CARE’s Emergency Response:

  • CARE has supported over 89,678 people in Gaza with medical supplies and services, including mobile clinics and donations of medical equipment to health facilities.
  • CARE provided WASH support to 234,576 individuals, including water distribution and hygiene kit distribution. Ongoing assessments target the most affected areas for further intervention.
  • Efforts are being made to address acute malnutrition among children and ensure food security through distributions and partnerships with local bakeries and food suppliers.
  • Distribution of dignity kits, support for gender-based violence survivors, and shelter provisions for displaced families. CARE is actively engaging in capacity-building for protection and gender mainstreaming.
  • CARE continues robust advocacy efforts, calling for ceasefires and safe humanitarian operations.
Read more about CARE Emergency Response here:

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