Bez mámy, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Water for Gwili school

Gwili is another school on the savannah that does not have an adequate source of drinking water. The shallow 4m well they have is insufficient for the needs of 720 students and also dries up completely shortly after the rainy season ends. Nowhere in the world should students have to worry about falling down from thirst during their education, don't you think?

we started on 2024-05-23

Water for Gwili School

"We want to educate ourselves and not fall down with thirst!" ...Can we help make the Gwili students' wish come true?
raised 59 % out of  €3,995

expires in

23 days

supported by

19 people
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Gwili High School is at about 1100m above sea level, but it's not a mountain.  Like Mshikamano Secondary School, where we drilled a well in January after last year's successful fundraiser, the school site is an arid savannah. The school has over 700 students aged 13-17 and is partly residential. Students spend every day, 10 months of the year there. Without a quality water source!

The school is taking action

In the past, they dug a small well on their own. But the 4m depth is not enough to cover the school's year-round water needs. Such a well also dries up very quickly after the rainy season.

What the school needs?

It needs a well deep enough to supply the school even in the dry season. Such a structure cannot be built by oneself, a drilling rig and a cooling rig must come to build it.

How much will it cost?

The situation in the area shows that water will be found much higher than at a depth of 100 m as at Mshikamano School. Fortunately !
The estimated cost is therefore considerably less than half that of Mshikamano.

We need to fundraise:
  • The drilling of a deep borehole - 90,000 CZK 
  • Pump - 10 000 CZK 
The school has committed itself to provide:
  • Large capacity tank (5 m3) - 10 000 CZK
  • Tower for the tank - 10 000 CZK
Although the total cost of the well comes out to "only" 6 EUR per student, this is a huge amount of money for poor rural families. Often a parent will not even earn 15 EUR for a month's work.

Photo from Gwili School:

The team of teachers presented us with how Gwili School works and what its biggest challenges are for the future. Water is a PRIORITY.

The dominant feature of the school is this huge fig tree. Locals believe it is a sacred tree and gives them hope for the constant presence of water.

Almost every high school has its own farm. Students grow food, which is then part of their school menu. They do not lose touch with the real world, with their natural home environment.

A shallow 4m well built by the school itself in the past shows that the water is here!   And so drilling a deep year-round well will not be such a risk.

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