In 2024, the Rugby Praga club celebrates its 80th anniversary. This significant milestone comes at a time when the club is at the forefront of Czech rugby as the most successful team with a record number of cups and league wins. Over the decades, the Praga Rugby Club has become an incubator of many talented players, national team players and personalities who have gone beyond the boundaries of the rugby field. Their story is not only one of sporting triumphs, but also of community and friendships. The Praga Rugby Club goes beyond the boundaries of a regular sports club, educating more than 300 children in the spirit of rugby, thus strengthening the community of volunteers, players, children and parents. We very much appreciate your support for the activities of our club and the purchase of new sports equipment.
Rugby zdar!
Na dobrou věc :)
Rodiče U12 přejí Pragovce do další osmdesátky jen to nejlepší!
Díky, Prago, vše nej! ♡
Gratuluji RC Praga ke kulatému výročí a děkuji za vše, co jste syna naučili a stále učíte. Rugby zdar.
Díky za vše, hlavně za skvělou péči, kterou klub věnuje dětem!
Všechno nejlepší a ať se klubu daří!
Dekujeme Pragovce a tymu treneru za skvelou sezonu! Ragby zdar :-) Andrea a Matt Hynes