Česká Asociace Speedrunningu, z. s.

Other Culture, Art and History

Czechoslovak Marathon 2024 Summer

Czechoslovak Marathon is a live streaming event where we present speedruns (playing videogames with a timer) while helping charity organizations raise money for a good cause.

we started on 2024-08-15

supported by

29 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
We established Czech Speedrunning Association in 2024. This means we can now act more officially, work with other organizations, organize charitable events etc. Up until now, we've been creating campaigns on this website to support other organizations, this is likely going to stay this way until we find an organization to work with. However, this year we decided to raise money for our association so that we have some starting income for running the organization.

We're planning an on-site marathon and if we're financially and organizationally stable, it could happen in summer 2025. The organization also needs to cover other expenses such as our website and server. Our members are not eligible for any monetary compensation, all donations are for organizational purposes.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

menší než tři

CZK 100

Od runnera pro runnery :)

CZK 150

Sorry, ještě na aviváž a prášek :)

Jakub Fúzik
CZK 150

Pro Fuzimiho na pračku xD

Jakub Fúzik
CZK 144

Ještě posílám nejspíš poslední příspěvek za tenhle marathon. Děkuji za kopec srandy, a speciálně čínské polívce za excelentní half life run, velmi mě to pobavilo xd

CZK 300


František Šumšal
CZK 500

Zaokrouhluju na 9156 xddddd

CZK 431

i will do my best to show up on the first offsite event

Mr. Mary

PIVO, zaokrouhluju na 8k

CZK 400

Davideee, mluv se mnouuuu

Nový Smažák
CZK 300