Scouting leads children and young people to be active, equipped with practical skills and willing to help others. Like in other crisis situations, Czech scouts and guides have been helping in flood affected regions. Help us to help!
After the latest floods, some Czech scout centres are partly or completely destroyed by water. Help the scouts there, in order to return as soon as possible to their troop activities, joys, adventures and education.
Thank you!
We will use your donations for:
- costs directly related to scout voluntary assistance in affected areas - for groups that go to help directly on the spot,
- repairs of damaged scout centres,
- replacement of destroyed scout equipment.
How have floods affected scout centres?
- the Ještěr center in Ostrava had its buildings flooded up to half of the windows;
- a river flowed through the shipyard of the Hraničáři groop in Karviná;
- the area of the scout centre in Krnov is under water, its condition has been unknown yet;
- the Scout House in Opava has been flooded up to the windows;
- the shipyard of the scout centre of Černý čáp (Black Stork) in Opava has been flooded, not accessible yet;
- the scout centre Poseidon in Opava has been flooded too.
We are far from knowing about all the damages, for now we are aware of more than ten clubhouses damaged partly or completely.
We will post updates about the conditions of all the other scout centres in the News section of this project.
After the latest floods, some Czech scout centres are partly or completely destroyed by water. Help the scouts there, in order to return as soon as possible to their troop activities, joys, adventures and education.
Thank you!
We will use your donations for:
- costs directly related to scout voluntary assistance in affected areas - for groups that go to help directly on the spot,
- repairs of damaged scout centres,
- replacement of destroyed scout equipment.
How have floods affected scout centres?
- the Ještěr center in Ostrava had its buildings flooded up to half of the windows;
- a river flowed through the shipyard of the Hraničáři groop in Karviná;
- the area of the scout centre in Krnov is under water, its condition has been unknown yet;
- the Scout House in Opava has been flooded up to the windows;
- the shipyard of the scout centre of Černý čáp (Black Stork) in Opava has been flooded, not accessible yet;
- the scout centre Poseidon in Opava has been flooded too.
We are far from knowing about all the damages, for now we are aware of more than ten clubhouses damaged partly or completely.
We will post updates about the conditions of all the other scout centres in the News section of this project.
Ostrava - Svinov, building of the Ještěr Ostrava scout center: the water level culminated on Sunday 15 September, the second photo is from Monday morning.
The Scout House in Opava was flooded up to the windows on Sunday noon. The fence was fully under water in the afternoon.
The water level in the Scout House in Opava reached window sills.
What donations are not intended for:
- material and humanitarian aid to individuals and legal entities (except for the scout association branch) in the affected areas. You can support such help in the collections of other humanitarian organizations, e.g. here at
How do the scouts help in the affected areas?
We have been offering our volunteer efforts to therespected humanitarian organizations, to the Integrated Rescue System and the affected troops and units. We are using the unaffected clubhouses as bases for groups of scout volunteers who travel to affected regions from all over the Czech Republic. We equip our volunteers with the best information needed and - thanks to the collection - even with the necessary material and protective equipment. We will pay their travel and meal expenses.
What donations are not intended for:
- material and humanitarian aid to individuals and legal entities (except for the scout association branch) in the affected areas. You can support such help in the collections of other humanitarian organizations, e.g. here at
How do the scouts help in the affected areas?
We have been offering our volunteer efforts to therespected humanitarian organizations, to the Integrated Rescue System and the affected troops and units. We are using the unaffected clubhouses as bases for groups of scout volunteers who travel to affected regions from all over the Czech Republic. We equip our volunteers with the best information needed and - thanks to the collection - even with the necessary material and protective equipment. We will pay their travel and meal expenses.
Thank you very much for any support!
In case you want to support some of the affected scout troops and units in another way, for example materially, please contact Thank you!
A gift certificate will be generated for the donors in the second half of January next year. In that case we will kindly ask you for filling all data needed for that purpose. Thank you.
Aspoň niečo málo zo Slovenska. Vo veku, keď som strašne túžil byť skautom to bolo opäť zakázané, tak som chodil aspoň do TOMíku (Turistické oddiely mládeže, kde mnohé oddiely našli útočisko) ale to už nebolo úplne ono. Držím vám palce.
Moc děkujeme za podporu a srdečně zdravíme na Slovensko!
Držíme Vám palce!
Velice děkujeme!
Buď připraven <3
Děkujeme z celého <3
Na všechny družinovky, oddílovky, či jiné akce v SD v Opavě máme spoustu krásných vzpomínek. Přejeme co nejrychlejší "restart" všem zasaženým oddílům/klubovnám!
I díky Vám bude "restart" co nejdříve... Děkujeme!
Na podporu obnovy skautských kluboven, skautské středisko Šenov
Srdečně zdravíme do Šenova a moc děkujeme!
Jsem ráda, že můžu přispět. Ke skautu voda i bláto patří, ale čeho je moc, toho je moc.
Ano, raději jindy, jinde, přiměřeně... Děkujeme!
My děkujeme!
Děkuji za Vaši iniciativu.
V úctě MS
My děkujeme za Vaši podporu!
Držím palce!
Velice děkujeme!
Aspoň něco málo..
Není to málo! Moc děkujeme!