Nadace Veronica

Regional and Community Development Environment

This is a shitty campaign (Composting toilets for Veronica Hostětín)

Over 5,000 people pass through the Veronica Hostětín climate education center every year. The planned expansion of the center's capacity by another classroom also means an increase in the capacity of toilets in the adjacent natural garden of the Veronica Foundation. In the project "This is a shitty campaign" we need to raise 100 thousand CZK for ecological separation composting toilets. Can you help us?

we started on 2024-10-01

Composting toilets for natural garden Veronica Hostětín

Over 5,000 people pass through the Veronica Hostětín climate education center every year. The planned expansion of the center's capacity by another classroom also means an increase in the capacity of the toilets in the adjacent nature garden of the Veronica Foundation. We would thus need funds for ecological separation composting toilets. Will you support our project?
raised 10 % out of  €3,962

expires in

158 days

supported by

17 people
Donate in :
secured by
The Veronica Foundation owns and takes care of the grounds of the natural garden and the orchard adjacent to the Veronica Hostětín Climate Education Center (it is run by the sister organization Veronica Ecological Institute), and the Hostětín organic cider house, which we founded and which processes local varieties of apples, is also located on the grounds.

Every year, the garden hosts a number of environmental events and courses for 20 to 1,500 people (mowing courses, cutting of fruit trees, garden festival, apple festival...).

An orchard in the natural garden at the Veronica Hostětín Centre

The center plans to expand its capacity by another classroom in 2024 and 2025, the facilities of the existing toilets are no longer sufficient, so we want to obtain funds from donors for the purchase and installation of additional composting toilets in the garden, at the same time promoting composting toilets.

What do we need?
  • Internal separation toilets (stainless steel/plastic)
  • Wooden "cover" - classic wooden booths with steps
  • Paved access for easy access for visitors
We need a solution that is not cheap, but will withstand the onslaught and it will be a sustainable solution kind to nature.

The Veronica Foundation is among the organisations currently supported by the Stronger Roots program of the Nadace OSF.

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Ať žijí kompostovací záchody :)

CZK 750

Fandíme Hostětínu!

CZK 300

Hostětín je nejlepší! Držíme palce!

Roman Franc
CZK 300