MalýVelký strom, z.ú.

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

Malý velký strom - best 10th anniversary gift

Malý velký strom is club with Waldorf pedagogy for preschool children in Prague 7. We run the club since 2015 and we've sent dozens of children into the world. We are parents, teachers and friends of the club who care about its future, so that it thrives and can continue to be here for the next children who come along. During the summer of 2024, we gradually take over the care of the club from another organisation and we stepped into its 10th year. In order to fully work towards its future, there is only one thing left to do - to buy the club's equipment. Your support will be the most wonderful gift to Malý velký strom on its 10th birthday!

Support Malý velký strom for a New Beginning

raised 2 % out of  €4,459

expires in

68 days

supported by

2 people
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As the community of parents and friends of the Waldorf preschool club Malý velký strom we gradually take over the running of the club from summer 2024 fully on our own shoulders. With the help of our supporters, we have managed to raise the amount of money needed to make up the club's financial deficit from 2023-2024 in a very short time.

The only thing we now have left to deal with the past is the 112,800 CZK needed to buy the club equipment.

Any extra money raised will be used for our support fund, which will help us as a non-profit organization to react flexibly in times of unexpected investments, to withstand harder times and to maintain a smooth cash flow.

We are working on many steps to secure the future of our club.


Follow our News, where you can read what we are currently working on.

Thank you for every contribution, however small, that gives us the strength to continue the work we have started!

Parents and friends of the Waldorf preschool club Malý velký strom
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