The local organization Sehabat penyu Loang in cooperation with our organisation, protect several beaches on Lembata island in Indonesia. These beaches play a crucial role of hatcheries for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtles, as well as for Olive ridley sea turtles and green sea turtles. In 2022 a new project in Sri Lanka was commenced to improve sea turtles’ protection. Our organization helps with foundation and supervision of the activities of conservationists. We protect the beaches against poachers, we also move the eggs to protected parts of the beach and release hatched turtles into the sea immediately after hatching. We educate and teach locals to make souvenirs from alternative materials (for example from coconut). Furthermore, we teach children about turtles and their irreplaceable role in our ecosystems, we talk to them about nature and help them to improve in English language.In our role of consultants, we also provide help all around the world. In the Czech Republic, we are relentlessly helping to raise public awareness of the critical situation of sea turtles, the consequences and causes of threats of these rare reptiles and the possibilities of help. We stand for and promote sustainable tourism. Together, we have already saved more than 4,000,000 turtles in the last 5 years, and the number isincreased every day.
Líbí se mi, co děláte!
Doufám že i naše malá pomoc pomůže zachránit život těmto krásným živočichům. Kocouři drží vše co se dá
Děkuji za přínosný rozhovor s Danem Bártou pro DVTV, jen tak dál!
Příroda nám dává více než jí dokážeme vrátit.
Zachraňme želvy
Želvy se musí chránit!
želva potřebuje pomoci
Dobrý den,
jsem velmi ráda, že jsem měla možnost finančně přispět. Držím vám palce ať se vám projekt daří.
Děkuji za dobrý pocit, že můžu aspoň prostřednictvím peněz, pomoci chránit naši přírodu.