Fond dostupného bydlení, z.ú. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Affordable housing Donate Start fundraising
Nadání a dovednosti o.p.s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups The ROZHLED project Donate Start fundraising
Místní místním, z.ú. Regional and Community Development Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support Místní místním - Locals for locals Donate Start fundraising
Chance 4 Children z.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Health Will you help us to help? Donate Start fundraising
Centrum pro integraci cizinců, o.p.s. Help for Ukraine Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support foreigners in the Czech Republic Donate Start fundraising
Nadání a dovednosti o.p.s. Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support Nadani a dovednosti Donate Start fundraising
BONA o.p.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Health Sheltered Housing and Work for People with Mental Health Problems Donate Start fundraising
Christian Refugee Service, z.s. Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Project Hope for Nations - help for people on the route Donate Start fundraising