JKS Média, z. s.

Giving Information Regional and Community Development

Let’s Redefine Ostrava’s Image Together

"You’re from Ostrava? Wow, I hear it’s great there!" – said no one ever. But they could. And we, who live here, know it. We’re tired of the stereotypes about a city we care deeply about. Ostrava isn’t just black skies, coal, and steel in the distant east of the country. It’s not constantly cloaked in smog. But we have to explain this over and over – to people in Prague, Brno, and everywhere else. What if we didn’t have to? That’s why we’re launching this campaign – to break the most persistent stereotypes and reshape Ostrava’s image.

we started on 2024-12-03

Let’s Redefine Ostrava’s Image Together

"You’re from Ostrava? Wow, I hear it’s great there!" – said no one ever. But they could. And we, who live here, know it. We’re tired of the stereotypes about a city we care deeply about. Ostrava isn’t just black skies, coal, and steel in the distant east of the country. It’s not constantly cloaked in smog. But we have to explain this over and over – to people in Prague, Brno, and everywhere else. What if we didn’t have to? That’s why we’re launching this campaign – to break the most persistent stereotypes and reshape Ostrava’s image.
raised 39 % out of  €6,967

expires in

15 days

supported by

72 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
We are Okraj, journalists and proud Ostrava locals. For over a year, we’ve been telling the story of Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region as it truly is. We live in a city where air quality is improving, where a vibrant civil society thrives, and where culture is far more than just Stodolní Street or big commercial festivals. Ostrava’s story is one of people who are transforming their surroundings daily – often invisibly. Let’s give them the voice they deserve.

We’ve already managed to bring our topics to the national stage – even to Prague Castle. Now, we want to take a bold step forward. Our ambitious goal? By 2025, Ostrava will no longer be just a synonym for coal and steel.

Help us redefine Ostrava’s image, give our city’s story the frame it deserves, and share it beyond the borders of our region. Contribute any amount, pick a reward, and help us show what our city truly stands for. Our goal is to raise 175,000 CZK.

👀 What do we want to change?
We’ll break the stereotypes about our city and show that Ostrava is a symbol of innovation, community, and unique stories.

📈 What’s our long-term goal?
We aim to create a space where Ostrava is seen as an inspiration – a symbol of cultural, ecological, and social transformation.

🔍 Where will your support go?
We’ll write a series of articles exploring Ostrava’s biggest stereotypes and showing what’s been achieved. Is it really possible to see the air here? Is Baník just about hooligan brawls? Is Ostrava still only a city of coal and steel? And are we really just rough, uncultured “burani” (rednecks)? We’ll answer these questions and more, producing podcast interviews with Ostrava residents whose work often goes unseen but has a significant impact.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkuju, že jste a konáte pro Ostravu <3

CZK 300

Děkuji za vaše čas, který věnujete tématům týkajícím se našeho kraje.

Miroslava Olenakova
CZK 500


Maxmilián Kroczek

Smysluplný a užitečný dárek pro patrioty, rozvoj kraje, dobrý pocit. Šťastné a Veselé!

Hana Rieznerová
CZK 500

Jedná se o vánoční dárek pro ostravskou patriotku, která ráda podporuje dobré nápady na zvelebení kraje. Smysluplný dárek je to tak pro všechny:)

Hana Rieznerová
CZK 500

Naozaj skvelý nápad 🙌🏼 niečo takéto tu chýbalo!

Matúš Mlích

Dobrý den, moc vám fandím! Taky jsem žil v Praze a vrátil se zpět. Dokonce jsem měl v hlavě podobný projekt jako vy, udělat takový blog o městě, ač tedy žurnalista nejsem. Těším se na vaše výstupy

Filip Šarlej
CZK 500

Držím palce a těším se na další články.

Tomáš Zetek

Tak teď musím platit 5000 abych mohl jít s vlastní ženou na večírek, nová doba!

Oliver Váhovský
CZK 5,000

Výborný nápad, držím palce.

Ilona Rozehnalová
CZK 500